Title 9--Animals and Animal Products

(This index contains parts 1 to 199)


1 Definition of terms
2 Regulations
3 Standards
4 Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Animal Welfare Act
11 Horse protection regulations
12 Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Horse Protection Act
49 Rules of practice governing proceedings under certain acts
50 Animals destroyed because of tuberculosis
51 Animals destroyed because of brucellosis
52 Swine destroyed because of pseudorabies
53 Foot-and-mouth disease, pleuropneumonia, rinderpest, and certain other communicable diseases of livestock or poultry
54 Control of scrapie
55-56 [Reserved]
70 Rules of practice governing proceedings under certain acts
71 General provisions
72 Texas (splenetic) fever in cattle
73 Scabies in cattle
74 Prohibition of interstate movement of land tortoises
75 Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras
76 [Reserved]
77 Tuberculosis
78 Brucellosis
79 Scrapie in sheep and goats
80 Johne's disease in domestic animals
82 Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) and chlamydiosis; poultry disease caused by salmonella enteritidis serotype enteritidis
85 Pseudorabies
88 Commercial transportation of equines for slaughter (eff. 2-5-02)
89 Statement of policy under the Twenty-Eight Hour Law
91 Inspection and handling of livestock for exportation
92 Importation of animals and animal products: procedures for requesting recognition of regions
93 Importation of certain animals, birds, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers
94 Rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, fowl pest (fowl plague), exotic newcastle disease, african swine fever, hog cholera, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy: prohibited and restricted importations
95 Sanitary control of animal byproducts (except casings), and hay and straw, offered for entry into the United States
96 Restriction of importations of foreign animal casings offered for entry into the United States
97 Overtime services relating to imports and exports
98 Importation of certain animal embryos and animal semen
99 Rules of practice governing proceedings under certain acts
101 Definitions
102 Licenses for biological products
103 Experimental production, distribution, and evaluation of biological products prior to licensing
104 Permits for biological products
105 Suspension, revocation, or termination of biological licenses or permits
106 Exemption for biological products used in department programs or under department control or supervision
107 Exemptions from preparation pursuant to an unsuspended and unrevoked license
108 Facility requirements for licensed establishments
109 Sterilization and pasteurization at licensed establishments
112 Packaging and labeling
113 Standard requirements
114 Production requirements for biological products
115 Inspections
116 Records and reports
117 Animals at licensed establishments
118 Detention; seizure and condemnation
122 Organisms and vectors
123 Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act
124 Patent term restoration
130 User fees
145 National Poultry Improvement Plan
146 [Reserved]
147 Auxiliary provisions on National Poultry Improvement Plan
151 Recognition of breeds and books of record of purebred animals
156 Voluntary inspection and certification service
160 Definition of terms
161 Requirements and standards for accredited veterinarians and suspension or revocation of such accreditation
162 Rules of practice governing revocation or suspension of veterinarians' accreditation
165 Availability of information
166 Swine health protection
167 Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Swine Health Protection Act
168-199 [Reserved]

