Giving people the tools and skills they need is crucial to solving problems.
AED develops and provides intensive, practical and cost-effective training programs that reflect our commitment to putting the right tools in the right hands.


Tools & Publications


  • C-Change (Communication for Change)
  • Financial Integration, Economic Leveraging, Broad-Based Dissemination and Support (FIELD)
  • Small and Microfinance Assistance for Recovery and Transition (SMART)
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Featured Web Sites

This project focuses on developing creative educational and school-to-work strategies, particularly for out-of-school youth, which in many developing countries is a population larger than that of youth in the schools.
The Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) supports integrated food security and nutrition programming to improve the health and well being of women and children.
The PASCA project is a regional program to help Central America respond to the AIDS epidemic.

All Project Web Sites