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National Vitiligo Foundation, Inc. - NVFI

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

P.O. Box 23226
Cincinnati,, OH 45223

513-541-3903 (Voice)


Established in 1985, the National Vitiligo Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides counsels to vitiligo patients and their families. To increase awareness and concern for vitiligo patients with the general public and the medical community. the Foundation supports scientific and clinical research on vitiligo; answers questions and distributes information pamphlets from the general public on vitiligo; makes referrals to physicians and to other families with vitiligo; and advises patients on cosmetics, sunscreens, and other products for use by those with vitiligo. Local chapters can be contacted for information on support groups and services of the Foundation in that area.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The Foundation distributes pamphlets on vitiligo, a Handbook for Schools, and a Handbook for Patients. Serial publication: Newsletter, semi-annual.

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Review Date

Thu Dec 4, 2008