Paige Helps Commemorate Hamilton High School's Important Role in Signing of No Child Left Behind
Paige, Boehner dedicate No Child Left Behind Sculpture Plaza
Archived Information

June 8, 2004
Contact: Samara Yudof
(202) 401-1576

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U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today joined U.S. Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Hamilton Schools Superintendent Janet Baker at a ceremony celebrating Hamilton High School's role as President Bush's host for the signing of the No Child Left Behind Act. The following are the secretary's remarks at the dedication:

"I thank Congressman Boehner for the invitation. I have had the pleasure of working closely with this gentleman for the last three years. I can tell you first-hand that Congressman Boehner has been unwavering in his commitment to doing what is right for students in Ohio-and the entire nation. I thank Congressman Boehner for his friendship and leadership. And I thank Ohio for sending him to Washington. He more than ably represents you.

"We met here in Hamilton two-and-a-half years ago, and history was made on that day. With the stroke of a pen, President Bush signaled that the time had come for all children-regardless of the color of their skin, their spoken accent or their street address-to receive a quality education.

"Together, we've embarked on a historic journey to improve the quality of education in all schools. The reforms are taking root across the country, and they are making a real difference. Families have new freedom to choose the education that best meets their needs. Schools and districts have new flexibility to use federal funds in ways that best support local efforts. Along with this flexibility, schools have new accountability to ensure that no child slips through the cracks.

"Earlier this year, a news story in the Akron Beacon Journal documented the positive changes from this law right here in Ohio. When Akron learned that half of its fourth-graders weren't able to pass the reading proficiency test, the town sprung into action. Now, the schools and community are working together to help all students get up to grade level.

"One administrator said this: 'I have never seen a time where teachers, principals, a curriculum and staff have been more focused on teaching and learning-particularly for reading.' This is exactly how the law is supposed to work. We use the information to identify problems-and fix them. It's that simple.

"But this journey began earlier than with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

"This weekend, our nation received the sad news of President Reagan's passing. As we remember him, we remember what he stood for and why we were inspired by his legacy. President Reagan spoke often about the hope and the promise afforded to all Americans.

"In 1983, the National Commission on Excellence in Education released a landmark report entitled A Nation at Risk. The members of the commission recalled that in their first meeting with President Reagan, he said, 'Certainly there are few areas of American life as important to our society, to our people and to our families as our schools and colleges.'

"President Reagan called for higher standards, accountability, merit pay for teachers and principals, parental choice and schools that instill moral values.

"President Reagan began fighting for what No Child Left Behind has brought to fruition. We know that education is an act of trust. Parents trust that schools will prepare their children for success in an increasingly competitive global economy and that we will respect their children by providing them the best education possible. On this great trust, we cannot fall short.

"President Reagan believed in a brighter day for America-that the best was yet to come.

"I believe this is true for our schools. We remember our mission today, here in the 'city of sculpture.' This sculpture plaza is a symbol of the promise of our nation's schools.

"I thank Donna and Pat Carruthers for their generosity. This is a gift not just to the city of Hamilton but also to the entire nation. This sculpture plaza serves as a reminder of what we set out to accomplish. And it will encourage us to continue when the hill may be difficult. But it will be well worth the climb.

"We can provide the education that lifts children out of despair, that brings the promise of a better day, and that gives all children a chance for the American Dream.

"Thank you all, and may God bless America."



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Last Modified: 06/09/2004