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Selected Publications on AQUATOX

Table of Contents

Bartell, S.M, R.A. Pastorok, H.R. Akcakaya, H. Regan, S. Ferson, and C. Mackay. 2003. Realism and relevance of ecological models used in chemical risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 9 (4): 907-938.

Carleton, J. N., M. C. Wellman, P. A. Cocca, A. S. Donigian, R. A. Park, J. T. Love, and J. S. Clough. 2005. Nutrient Criteria Development with a Linked Modeling System: Methodology Development and Demonstration. TMDL 2005. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 1-25.

Eturk, A., R. A. Ambrose, and B. Rashleigh. 2007. Assessment of the fate and effects of toxic agents on water resources. Pages 331–400 in: I.E. Gonenc, V. Koutitonsky, B. Rashleigh, R. A. Ambrose, and J. P. Wolfin (eds), Assessment of the fates and effects of toxic agents on water reources. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Gonenc, I. E., V. Koutitonsky, B. Rashleigh, R. A. Ambrose, and J. P. Wolfin. 2007. Assessment of the fates and effects of toxic agents on water reources. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Hawkins, Troy. 2006. Critical Evaluation of the Aquatox Model [Internet] 2005 [cited 2006]. Available from http://www.ce.cmu.edu/~trh/Professional/Research/Hawkins_CriticalEvaluationOfTheAquatoxModel.pdf (30 pages, 659 K).

Imhoff, J. C., J.S. Clough, R.A. Park, and A. Stoddard. 2004. Evaluation Of Chemical Bioaccumulation Models of Aquatic Ecosystems: Final Report. Athens GA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Kianirad, Ehsan , David Bedoya, Indrani Ghosh, Kevin McGarvey, and Vladimir Novotny. 2006. Review of Watershed Ecological Models. Center for Urban Environmental Studies, Northeastern University, Technical Report No. 7. 85 pp. Available from www.coe.neu.edu/environment/DOCUMENTS/TR-7-Review%20of%20Watershed%20Ecological%20Models.pdf (88 pages, 1.5 Mb).

Koelmans, A.A., , A. Van der Heidje, , L.M. Knijff, , and R.H. Aalderink. 2001. Integrated Modelling of Eutrophication and Organic Contaminant Fate & Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems. A Review. Water Research 35 (15):3517-3536.

Mauriello, D.A., and R.A. Park. 2002. An adaptive framework for ecological assessment and management. In: Integrated Assessment and Decision Support (A. E. Rizzoli and A.J. Jakeman, eds.) International Environmental Modeling and Software Society, Manno, Switzerland. pp. 509-514.

Park, R.A., J.J. Anderson, G.L. Swartzman, R. Morison, and J.M. Emlen. 1988. Assessment of Risks of Toxic Pollutants to Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems Using a Sequential Modeling Approach. In Fate and Effects of Pollutants on Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems, 153-165. EPA/600/9-88/001. Athens, Ga.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Park, R. A., J. S. Clough, M. C. Wellman, and A. S. Donigian. 2005. Nutrient Criteria Development with a Linked Modeling System: Calibration of AQUATOX Across a Nutrient Gradient. TMDL 2005. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 885-902.

Park, R.A., B. Firlie, R. Camacho, K. Sappington, M. Coombs, and D. Mauriello. 1995. AQUATOX, A General Fate and Effects Model for Aquatic Ecosystems. Toxic Substances in Water Environments Proceedings, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia, pp. 3-7 - 3-17.

Pastorok, R. A.; Bartell, S. M.; Ferson, S.; Ginzburg, L. R., Eds. Ecological Modeling in Risk Assessment; Lewis: Boca Raton, Florida, 2002.

Rashleigh, B. 2003. Application of AQUATOX, a process-based model for ecological assessment, to Contentnea Creek in North Carolina. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 18 (4): 515- 522.

Rashleigh, B. 2007. Assessment of lake ecosystem response to toxic events with the AQUATOX model. Pages 293–299 in: I.E. Gonenc, V. Koutitonsky, B. Rashleigh, R. A. Ambrose, and J. P. Wolfin (eds), Assessment of the fates and effects of toxic agents on water reources. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Rashleigh, B., M.C. Barber, and D.M. Walters. 2009. Foodweb modeling for PCBs in the Twelvemile Creek Arm of Lake Hartwell, South Carolina, USA. Ecological Modelling 220: 254-264.

Sourisseau, S., A. Basseres, F. Perie, and T. Caquet, 2008. Calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis of an ecosystem model applied to artificial streams. Water Research 42:1167-1181.

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