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Financing for Environmental Compliance
Water Technical Assistance Information Providers and Resources

EPA and other entities have developed numerous documents and tools to assist municipal officials as they devise a technical solution. Below are selected sites containing technical assistance providers and resources. While these resources are available to all communities, small communities and tribes can access specialized resources.


EPA Office of Water – Direct and Indirect Assistance
EPA provides both direct and indirect assistance in the area of municipal wastewater treatment technologies. Direct assistance includes one-on-one discussions about design, operation and maintenance of systems, and the identification and solution of problems. Indirect assistance includes support for the development of regulations; technical information; guidance, assessments, evaluation, and cost estimates for the design, construction, and operation and maintenance of municipal wastewater treatment facilities.

USDA Rural Utility Service
This program provides funding for technical assistance and training for water and waste disposal facilities Funds may be used to identify and evaluate solutions to water and/or sewer problems of associations in rural areas relating to source, storage, treatment, distribution, collection and disposal.

National Rural Water Association Exit EPA Disclaimer
The National Rural Water Association is a non-profit federation of State Rural Water Associations. Exit EPA Disclaimer Our mission is to provide support services to our State Associations who have more than 24,550 water and wastewater systems as members. Each state association provides training programs and on-site assistance in areas of operation, maintenance, finance, and governance.


EPA Office of Water – Municipal Technology Fact Sheets
This EPA Web site provides fact sheets on CSO treatment, storm water, disinfection, biological treatment, water efficiency, decentralized water treatment, collection system O&M, biosolids technology, wastewater technology, and energy conservation and management.

EPA’s Drinking Water Academy
The Academy provides classroom and web-based training materials to help systems implement and comply with the Safe Drinking Act regulations.

EPA Office of Water – Asset Management
This page contains links to an asset management video, training workshops and collaborative partnership agreements.

Sustainable Infrastructure for Water and Wastewater
This page provides information on better management of water and wastewater utilities, full cost pricing, efficient water use and watershed approaches to environmental protection.

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