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2008 National Environmental Crime Prevention Week

Environmental Crime: "PUT A LID ON IT"
7th Annual Observance
April 13 - 19, 2008

EPA continues its efforts to educate Law Enforcement and the Public on how to recognize and report Environmental Crime.

  • Presidential Message
  • Activities for Students
  • Regional Associations
  • Report an Environmental Violation
  • Learn the Signs of Environmental Crime
  • Safety Tips
  • Law Enforcement Support

  • Graphic of the Put a lid on it poster
    In a collaborative effort EPA and the four Regional Environmental Enforcement Associations will observe National Environmental Crime Prevention Week by hosting numerous activities, including promoting training of law enforcement and activities with students and community leaders.

    President George W. Bush has officially recognized National Environmental Crime Prevention Week with a special message. The President states: "During National Environmental Crime Prevention Week, the Environmental Protection Agency coordinates with Federal, State, and local officials to educate the public about the cost of environmental crimes and the signs of criminal activity." Read the President's entire message for this year's National Environmental Crime Prevention Week. (PDF) (1 pg, 242K)

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    You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

    Activities for Students

    EPA's Special Agents have been invited to give a presentation at a Virginia school, on Tuesday, April 15, that includes:
    • A presentation showing what they do, the types of crimes they investigate, and their various roles, including case investigation
    • An open forum question and answer session between the students and the Special Agents
    • A demonstration and description of some simple Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for example, gloves, Tyvek, boots, APR/PAPR
    graphic of the cover of the Grime Crime Comic Book

    Making a return appearance this year is the Grime Crime Comic Book, featuring Justin Thyme - the environmental crime fighter.Exit EPA Disclaimer For much more information about Justin and his activities, to play the grime crime game and to obtain a copy of the comic book, please visit the Regional Environmental Enforcement Associations web site.Exit EPA Disclaimer

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    Regional Associations

    EPA supports the Regional Associations who will hold additional training sessions and conferences during and beyond National Environmental Crime Prevention Week:

    Southern Environmental Enforcement Network (SEEN) and the Midwest Environmental Enforcement Association (MEEA) joined forces and held their training conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - April 15 - 17, 2008.
    The Northeast Environmental Enforcement Project (NEEP) held its training conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - April 15 - 17, 2008
    The Western States Project (WSP) holds its training conference in Denver, Colorado - May 20 - 22, 2008

    For more information on the Regional Environmental Enforcement Associations, please visit their web siteExit EPA Disclaimer

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    Report an Environmental Violation

    report a violation badge graphic

    EPA will promote its Report a Violation web site during National Environmental Crime Prevention Week. The Report a Violation web form encourages citizens to report potential violations through the EPA web site. Tips received are reviewed by enforcement personnel and referred to the appropriate agency.

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    Learn the Signs of Environmental Crime

    To request more information on National Environmental Crime Prevention Week please complete the Contact Us form and reference National Environmental Crime Prevention Week and a Special Agent will contact you.

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    Safety Tips

    EPA encourages the public to review the Safety Tips page and never put themselves in harms way.

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    Law Enforcement Organizations Support of National Environmental Crime Prevention Week

    Resolutions and declarations by many law enforcement and other organizations are submitted each year. These resolutions and declarations call upon members to support the activities of National Environmental Crime Prevention Week and to carry the message all year long.

    Included in these groups are:

    Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association (HAPCOA) Exit EPA Disclaimer HAPCOA Resolution (PDF) (1 pg, 82K)
    Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) Exit EPA Disclaimer WIFLE Resolution (PDF) (1 pg, 40K)
    National Black Police Association (NBPA) Exit EPA Disclaimer NBPA Resolution (PDF) (1 pg, 394K)
    Association of National Park Rangers (ANPR) Exit EPA Disclaimer ANPR Resolution (PDF) (1 pg, 159K)
    National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) Exit EPA Disclaimer NOBLE Proclamation (PDF) (1 pg, 30K)
    International Assoication of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Exit EPA Disclaimer IACP Resolution (PDF) (1 pg, 66K)

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