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Case Study

Details about Bacteria Sources

Bacteria Sources and Management Options for Case Study
Stakeholder Bacteria Source Management Options
Hog and Dairy Operations Manure from 139 hogs and 165 dairy cattle is applied to cropland.
  • Reallocate manure applications to different months (no increased applications in January or February are permitted).
  • Increase degree to which manure is incorporated into soil (incorporation must be 75% or greater).
  • Compost manure and sell compost off-site (manure replaced by fertilizer).
Beef Cattle Operations Manure from dry lots holding 220 head of cattle (cattle assumed to spend 5% of the year in dry lots).
  • Compost manure from dry lots and sell compost off-site.
Cattle wading in the stream (April and May only).
  • Reduce cattle access to stream using fencing and alternative water sources.
Wastewater Treatment Failing septic systems at 10 homes.
  • Repair or replace failing systems.
Cottonwood Wastewater treatment facility (serves population of 800, current limit is 200cfu/100 ml (weekly average), design flow 0.3 to 0.8 MGD).
  • Reduce effluent limits using advanced treatment technology (i.e., UV treatment).
Background Wildlife on forested and urban land.
  • None

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Details about Abatement Decisions

Summary of Management Decisions and Costs for Allocation Scenarios
Stakeholder/Activity Baseline Minimum Cost Equal Loads Equal Percent Reduction
Hog and Dairy        
Percent of manure applied to cropland (primary application times) 100% 
(April to Sept.)
(April to Dec.)
(April, Sept.)
Fraction of manure incorporated 75% 75% 75% 0%
Fraction of manure composted 0% 0% 0% 100%
Annual Cost (subtotal)   -$300 $9,500 $35,000
Beef Cattle        
Fraction of stream miles with cattle exclusion 0% 100% 100% 100%
Fraction of manure composted 0% 5% 5% 2%
Annual Cost (subtotal)   $15,000 $15,000 $14,000
Wastewater Treaters        
Number of septic systemreplacements 0 10 10 10
WWTP effluent limit (cfu/100ml) 200 200 200 73
Annual Cost (subtotal)   $5,100 $5,100 $21,000
Total Annual Cost   $19,800 $29,600 $70,000

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