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BLM - Pinedale Resource Management Plan
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Welcome to the Pinedale Resource Management Plan Website
layer hidden off the screen
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is developing a new Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Pinedale Field Office. The plan, known as the Pinedale Resource Management Plan, will provide future direction for managing over 900,000 acres of federal surface estate lands and over 1.1 million acres of federal mineral estate lands in Sublette, Lincoln, and Fremont Counties, Wyoming.
The Record of Decision and Approved Pinedale Resource Management Plan are now available. Click here to download the document.
The purpose of the plan will be to establish guidance, objectives, policies, and management actions for public lands administered by the Pinedale Field Office. The plan will be comprehensive in nature, and will resolve or address a wide variety of issues, including but not limited to:
Picture of Cones

bulletDevelopment of Energy Resources & Minerals Related Issues
bulletLand Tenure Adjustment
bulletVegetation Management
bulletRecreation, Cultural Resource, & Paleontological Resource Management
bulletLivestock Grazing
bulletWildlife Habitat and Fisheries Management
bulletWildland/Urban Interface
bulletSpecial Status Species Management
bulletAir & Water Quality
bulletSpecial Management Designations
bulletOther issues

Picture of pronghorn antelope

As part of the plan preparation, a supporting Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will also be prepared. Both the RMP and EIS will be developed concurrently with a full range of public participation. An integral component of the Pinedale RMP development process is public involvement. Throughout the project, local interests and residents will have opportunities to participate and share their insights and comments.

This website is your source of information for participating in the planning process. Here you will find the latest information on the development of the RMP and EIS, including background documents, maps, meeting announcements, published bulletins, and other documents.

Last Updated: Monday, March 16, 2009

Kellie Roadifer   |   Pinedale Field Office   |   P.O. Box 768   |   Pinedale, WY 82941   |   307-367-5309
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