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Make a Genealogy Request by Postal Mail


Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the form instructions before sending any money.


The Forms:  Genealogy requests may be submitted via postal mail using Forms G-1041 and G-1041A, available for downloading on the "Immigration Forms" portion of the USCIS website. The instructions for each form are also available.  The mailing address is included in the form instructions.

  • Update:  Form 1041, Genealogy Index Search Request, currently asks if you would prefer to receive your search results via email or postal mail.  To date all requests have been sent by postal mail.  The Genealogy Program will offer email responses at a future date.
  • Update:  Form 1041A, Genealogy Records Request, currently asks if you would prefer to receive digital images of records by email or printed on paper and sent by postal mail.  Files will not be delivered via email, but can be mailed as PDF files on a CD.  Requesters who check the "email" box for this question on Form 1041A will receive their files as PDF files on a CD via postal mail.


Payment information: Please be sure to submit payment with your request form.  Genealogy requests will not be processed until payment is received. Payment may be in the form of a cashier’s check or money order. Personal checks will not be accepted.  Do not send cash.  More information about payment is available in the downloadable form instructions.


Do not mail requests to our Washington, DC, address.  All forms and fees must be mailed to the P.O. Box address found on the instructions to forms G-1041 and G-1041A.  Any forms and fees sent to Washington are sent on to Chicago for proper processing.  Sending requests to Washington delays your case.  Only correspondence and questions should be sent to the Genealogy Program in Washington.


Important: If the immigrant for whom you are seeking information was born less than 100 years prior to the date of your request, you must attach documentary proof of death to your request form. Do not attach original records because they will not be returned to you. Information about acceptable forms of proof of death is available in the downloadable form instructions.


Last updated:08/19/2008

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