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Policies & Guidance

Small Business

EPA's policy and guidance to assist small businesses comply with federal environmental requirements.

The Small Business Compliance Policy (PDF, 80.4K, 18 pp) Effective date May 11, 2000. this policy sets out what makes a small business eligible for the elimination or reduction of penalties for violations that are voluntarily discovered, disclosed and corrected.

The Small Business Compliance Policy Questions and Answers (PDF, 119 K, 32 pp) This document provides answers to key questions on how small businesses can use the Small Business Compliance Policy and provides EPA regional contacts for additional information.

Reaffirming EPA&'s Policy and Practice Against Using Enforcement as Retaliation (PDF) (21K, 2 pp) September 21, 2004. This memo reaffirms EPA's policy ensuring that members of the regulated community, and in particular small businesses, do not face retaliation because they have criticized EPA's activities.

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