Map of GDF supported countries
Map of GDF Countries
Updated: March 2008
Visit the The Global Fund web site
Visit the Stop TB Partnership web site

GDF is ISO 9001:2000 compliant for provision of
quality-assured anti-TB drugs and related services to
eligible national TB control programmes.






Welcome to the Global Drug Facility

The Global Drug Facility (GDF) is a mechanism to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality anti-TB drugs and diagnostics to facilitate global DOTS expansion or maintenance to support the Stop TB Strategy.


GDF Contracts New Procurement Agent PFSCM for First-Line Anti-TB Drugs and Diagnostics
11 August 2009
In order to ensure that it continues to deliver the most efficient and cost-effective procurement services, the Stop TB Global Drug Facility (GDF) conducts a competitive selection process for the identification of its procurement agents every 2 to 3 years.

To this end, in the first semester this year, GDF conducted a competitive selection process which resulted in the selection of the Partnership For Supply Chain Management (PFSCM) as GDF's procurement agent for first-line anti-TB drugs and related health products from 01 July 2009.

PFSCM is a non-profit organization that provides procurement and supply chain solutions that ensure best value for its clients. Created by two of the leading international health consultancies in the U.S. - JSI Research & Training Institute and Management Sciences for Health (MSH) - PFSCM ensures reliable availability of essential products to health care service delivery programs in the developing world and strengthens national supply chains to create sustainable mechanisms for delivering products to the patients who need them.

GDF would also like to use this opportunity to extend its sincere thanks to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), GDF's contracted procurement agent in the period from August 2006 to June 2009, for its committed engagement in the fight against TB in partnership with GDF.

GDF and the procurement agents have taken measures to ensure the transition period shall be as smooth as possible for client Countries. The two agents shall be working in parallel for an interim period until all orders that were placed with GTZ before 30 June 2009 have been fully executed. GDF client Countries will be informed about the responsible agent coordinating the delivery of their order.

For more information, visit PFSCM's website or contact GDF at
GDF takes stock of the progress towards global access to anti-TB medicines
In ‘Marking up the Medicine’, an article published on on June 23, 2009, GDF Chief of Operations Robert Matiru takes a look at GDF’s contribution towards universal access to high-quality anti TB medicines and examines how the public health community can tackle the manifold quality, price and access challenges that lie ahead in the fight against drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistant TB.

Click here to download ‘Marking up the Medicines’ as a PDF.
Click here to view ‘Marking up the Medicines’ online.
Nominations for GDF Technical Review Committee - Submission deadline May 6, 2009
The Global Drug Facility (GDF) is currently seeking nominations of experts in tuberculosis (TB) control and drug management to join its Technical Review Committee (TRC). The GDF TRC is responsible for reviewing applications to GDF for grants of free anti-TB drugs, and advising the Stop TB Partnership on which grant applications to accept and the level and nature of the grant to provide.

If you or someone you know would be a suitable candidate for the TRC, please submit your nomination to GDF. Candidates for the TRC should have significant expertise and experience in one or more of the following fields: Clinical TB, TB Diagnostics, Drug management, Human Resource Management, International Development, International Financing for anti-TB Drugs, MDR/XDR TB, Paediatric TB, Procurement and Logistics, TB Epidemiology, TB Monitoring and Evaluation and TB/HIV.

Individual nominations should be accompanied by a CV and a cover letter explaining the individual’s interest in and suitability for membership on the TRC. In the case where an institution is nominating a candidate, the nomination should be accompanied by a letter of institutional support for the individual.

All nominations and materials must be sent to the GDF by 6 May 2009 via email to Mr Edin Karahasanovic, with the subject heading: "NOMINATION FOR GDF TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE". Queries can be addressed to the same email.

TRC Call for Nominaions
TRC Call for Nominaions (French)
Terms of Reference
Call for the Expressions of Interest for Procurement Agent Services
10 February, 2009
The Global TB Drug Facility (GDF), procurement arm of the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat, housed by the World Health Organization, is seeking a qualified Procurement Agent (PA) to manage the purchase of first-line* anti-Tuberculosis (TB) drugs and related supplies** from an established list of qualified manufacturers for delivery to... Read more...
Results of the Tender for Desk Auditing Agencies for the Global Drug Facility (RFP Number 4951)
3 September, 2008
The GDF wishes to announce the result of its competitive Request for Proposals RFP Number 4951 designed to select an Agency or Agencies to undertake independent Desk Audit assessments of mission reports from annual visits to GDF grant recipients and/or direct procurement clients.
  • In total 5 Responsive Proposals were received and adjudicated: 17 - 18 August
  • Proposers were invited to witness the opening of Proposals and recording of financial offers and one Proposer attended.
  • The technical scores for the Proposals ranged from: 100 to 380 points (out of maximum of 480 points)
  • The financial offers ranged from: US$1693.60 to US$8229
  • Two agencies were selected for contract awards on the basis of their technical scores and financial offers: Swiss Center for International Health, Swiss Tropical Institute (SCIH) (Primary awardee: 65% of annual number of audits) and German Leprosy and TB Relief Association (GLRA) (Secondary Awardee: 35% of annual number of audits).
GDF would like to congratulate SCIH and GLRA for their success and thank all Proposers for the efforts they made to prepare their Proposals and participate in this competition.
For further information please contact Maria Patyna at:
New Long-Term Agreements (LTAs) with first-line TB drug suppliers
19 February, 2008
From September through December 2007 the Global Drug Facility (GDF) conducted a competitive selection process among pre-qualified first-line drug manufacturers through its Procurement Agent, GTZ.

This competitive process is now complete, and GDF and GTZ are pleased to announce that awards have been made to five suppliers. Four of them - Svizera, Cadila, Strides and Lupin - were already serving as GDF suppliers. One new supplier, Macleods, also was selected. This expansion in the supplier pool indicates strong interest and competition among manufacturers, and augurs well for favourable pricing and availability of high quality anti-TB drugs.

GDF is committed to providing affordable high-quality anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs to countries with a high TB burden and stimulating capacity and competition in the production sector.