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The Society for Human Resource Management

ODEP and SHRM are committed to providing employers and others, including small businesses, with information guidance, and access to training resources that will help them recruit, hire, advance and retain talented workers with disabilities. The Alliance’s goals include:

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
SHRM Alliance Signing

Former ODEP Assistant Secretary W. Roy Grizzard and SHRM President Susan R. Meisinger, SPHR, celebrate signing the alliance agreement. (DOL photo/Shawn T. Moore)

Training and Education

  • Disseminate training and education materials to SHRM members as agreed to that address issues of member concern and advance recruitment and employment of job candidates with disabilities.
  • Disseminate and share with SHRM members, as agreed to, effective disability employment practices of the Secretary of Labor’s New Freedom Initiative Awardees and other employers.

Outreach and Communication

  • Disseminate information through print and electronic media, including links from and between Web sites.
  • To the extent that SHRM’s practices, policies, objectives and conventions allow, disseminate information at conferences and events.
  • To the extent that SHRM’s practices, policies practices allow, collaborate on developing and conducting training and education sessions for various conferences.
  • To the extent that SHRM’s practices, policies, objectives allow, organize meetings and Webinars that address and promote strategies for recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention of people with disabilities.

Technical Assistance

  • Conduct activities to identify, document and disseminate effective employer policies and practices.
  • Identify activities that demonstrate, evaluate or replicate model disability employment strategies for SHRM state, regional, and local chapters.
  • Collaborate to identify disability employment issues of concern to employers to which the Alliance should direct particular attention and resources (e.g., JAN, EARN, WRP, etc.). As appropriate, this could include research, conducted independently by SHRM, which furthers the goals set forth in this agreement.

National Dialogue

  • ODEP will supply SHRM and the public in general with statistics on the employment of people with disabilities, and SHRM will disseminate the information as appropriate to SHRM members.
  • SHRM will explore the possibility of conducting research on issues relevant to the employment of people with disabilities.
  • Identify information on effective practices and approaches that members in specific industry sectors would find beneficial.
  • Convene and participate in forums, information sharing discussions, focus groups, or stakeholder meetings on opportunities to help forge innovative employment solutions or to provide input on such issues.
  • Encourage the implementation of effective disability employment practices and approaches through print or electronic media. 

Related Documents

Activities and Events

  • October 26, 2006: Co-sponsored and participated in the 2nd Circle of Champions Meeting.

WRP logo
Workforce Recruitment Program

business case logo
Business Case

business Sense logo
Business Sense

JAN logo
Job Accommodation Network

EARN works logo
EARN Works

ODEP Summit logo
ODEP Summit

Disability Info Logo
Disability Information Resource

ODEP Circle of Champions logo
Circle Of Champions

ODEP Alliance Logo
Alliance Initiative

Technical Assistance Centers:

Start-Up USA logo
Start-Up USA

NCWD logo
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability

NCWD logo
National Technical Assistance and Research Center


April 2009

Percentage of people with disabilities in the labor force:


Unemployment rate of persons with a     disability:



Phone Numbers