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72 FR 71999 - Notice of Meetings
Dec 19, 2007

Pipeline Safety: Meetings of the Pipeline Safety Standards Advisory Committees and a Public Workshop

SUMMARY: This notice announces public meetings of PHMSA’s Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (TPSSC) and Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (THLPSSC). The Committees will meet in a joint session to discuss PHMSA’s regulatory agenda and strategic plan. In conjunction with the advisory committee meetings, PHMSA will hold a public workshop.

PHMSA will hold a half day public workshop to gather comments on the use of the special permit process to allow transmission pipeline operators to vary from the 7-year reassessment interval in integrity management programs. Specifically, special permits would allow operators to tailor their reassessment intervals, based on pipe specific threats. PHMSA will ask for feedback on criteria developed for use in special permits.

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