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ABA Book Discount Program!
NAPABA and the American Bar Association have joined together to offer NAPABA members a way to both save money and donate to NAPABA at the same time! NAPABA members can enter our custom source code – PAB5ENAP – to save 30% on all purchases, with 10% of their total purchase going to NAPABA, by visiting http://www.ababooks.org/ to purchase their books.

The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) is the national association of Asian Pacific American (APA) attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students, providing a national network for its members and affiliates. NAPABA advocates for the legal needs and interests of the APA community and represents the interests of over 40,000 attorneys and approximately 58 local APA bar associations, with practice settings ranging from solo practices to large firms, corporations, legal services organizations, non-profit organizations, law schools, and governmental agencies.

Service in the Obama-Biden Administration

Many in NAPABA have expressed an interest in learning more about service in the next Administration; namely, what are the opportunities to serve in the Obama-Biden Administration, and how might a NAPABA member go about pursuing these opportunities? Is NAPABA offering assistance to members who are interested in serving in the next Administration, and if so, what? The information provided here is meant to provide NAPABA members with general answers to these questions. Members may find highlights from the Q&A briefing hosted by NAPABA and the Asian American Justice Center additionally helpful.

NAPABA Condemns Texas Lawmaker's Unacceptable Remarks

NAPABA is outraged by the comments made at an April 7 legislative hearing by Texas State Representative Betty Brown, including the statement that Asian Pacific Americans should adopt names that are “easier for Americans to deal with.” Representative Brown’s comments are culturally insensitive. Representative Brown’s comments, which were made during deliberation about voting rights legislation, are unacceptable. Click here to view the full press release.

NAPABA Urges Speedy Senate Confirmation of
Harold Hongju Koh as Legal Adviser of the
United States Department of State

NAPABA is pleased that Harold Hongju Koh has been nominated by President Obama to serve as Legal Adviser of the United States Department of State and strongly urges a speedy hearing and swift confirmation by the Senate. Koh, Dean of Yale Law School since 2004, is exceptionally qualified to serve in this post. Click here to view full press release.

Click here to view endorsement letter sent by NAPABA on behalf of 56 Asian American and Pacific Islander groups.

NAPABA Celebrates Nomination of Gary Locke as Commerce Secretary

NAPABA is pleased that last week, Gary Locke was nominated to serve as United States Secretary of Commerce by President Obama. Mr. Locke first gained NAPABA’s endorsement in December 2008 for his substantive knowledge on trade issues, demonstrated commitment to public service, and executive leadership experience. Click here to view the full press release.

NAPABA Law Foundation

Click here to view the NLF Tang Film Pledge Card

NAPABA Law Foundation (NLF) is a non-profit foundation that is tax-exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law, and benefit NLF's charitable and education programs, including scholarships and fellowships.


Since its inception in 1988, NAPABA has been at the forefront of national and local activities in the areas of civil rights, combating anti-immigrant backlash and hate crimes, increasing the diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, and professional development.

NAPABA monitors legislative developments and judicial appointments, promotes APA political leadership, advocates for equal opportunity in education and the workplace, works to eliminate violence against APAs, and builds coalitions within the legal profession and the community at large. NAPABA also serves as a resource for federal, state, and local agencies, members of Congress and staff, and public service organizations on the APA legal profession, civil rights, and diversity in the courts.

NAPABA is a 501(c)(6) tax-exempt organization. Contributions or gifts to NAPABA are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, membership dues may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses and contributions or gifts may be tax deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. This general statement may not apply to your specific situation; please consult your tax advisor.

Please let us know you stopped by. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Please email questions and comments to info@napaba.org.


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The NAPABA and the NAPABA logo are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.