"The choice for governors and state legislators is this: either continue to tax their constituents for funds to shovel up the wreckage of alcohol, drug, and nicotine abuse and addiction or recast their priorities to focus on preventing and treating such abuse and addiction."
Joseph Califano of CASA

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LA Facts/Statistics/Reports

Louisiana Resource locator

Kids at risk, and the dangers of drinking-
Researchers find three chromosomal areas with links to alcoholism vulnerability  

Underage Drinking, seeding the public health crisis related to alcohol consumption.


Updates & Info:

Need to know what effective alcohol/other drug treatment should include?

Continued Community Need for Effective
AVAILABLE Addiction Treatment

**5 new medical detox beds opened**

**Only Medical Detox Beds in the entire state
are in Lafayette, LA- 10 Beds only, and post Katrina needs continue to grow daily.  In the past, we have fought to hold on to themere 32 beds in years gone by that were once at Charity Hospital.....

What is effective Substance Abuse Treatment -Read NIDA's Info
The Storms of 2005
The only medical detox beds in New Orleans are gone.  Charity Hospital remains in limbo, and many of us wonder if/when the city will ever have effective and available addiction treatment services.
Some of us have been pleading for available, effective, and known as such addiction treatment statewide, even focusing in on New Orleans because of the larger population and urban area.  Our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. 


Public Need for:
Information, Education, and Awareness must increase to address post storm Trauma driven alcohol/other drug problems:
LA Facts

Passing it on.....

Legislature Fails to address
Alcohol Abuse statewide-
Hotline Bill- Dies on House Floor 2006

Hotline Bill in memory of Corey Domangue- LSU Honors student who died of an alcohol overdose, family vows to continue to push for change in Louisiana's failed response to alcohol abuse/addiction problems.
More on 2006 Alcohol Hotline bill
Louisiana Legislative session yields no substantial  progress for alcohol/other drug related problems in our state.  Legislation to restore treatment for alcoholics with repeat DWI's, Statewide Alcohol Helpline (Corey's Bill), and efforts to make more treatment available to people with drug related criminal charges.......update on entire session to come this week!

Rebuild Efforts

Remind all, that New Orleans needs both private sector and public sector treatment resources, we can't rely on government funded services alone.  Healthcare in general has been greatly impacted, and there is great hope for all medical care to be expanded in days ahead.

Housing & Social Justice


Our Blog


News-from storms of 05

We can't thank these folks enough for their response to alcoholics and addicts in need during the Hurricane Crisis:

The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) (www.naatp.org), an organization representing treatment facilities, coordinated efforts with Hope Networks to provide over $5 million for primary inpatient treatment beds and addiction treatment for victims of Katrina. Treatment centers, such as the Caron Foundation, Betty Ford Center, and others, stepped up and donated over 100 treatment beds and several million dollars in airfare to help victims of the storm receive proper treatment care. Read the entire story

Good Information on Youth-Underage Drinking-Reliable info from NIAAA


National Treatment Centers Step up during Katrina/Rita- Crisis in Louisiana, a state with that was in crisis pre-hurricane Katrina/Rita with regard to substance abuse treatment services- we simply can't thank NAATP members (addiction treatment providers), people in recovery across the U.S., and Sober/Recovery Living homes for helping us help more than 100 people go to quality treatment programs, thousands find 12 step literature in shelters and FEMA parks, and others in recovery find support and housing in new communities across the country.

Without the help of countless people, there is no doubt that those struggling with addiction related illness were left on their own- there was no plan in place to address these needs in a time of crisis. 

WOW!  See the list of Contributors for this Amazing gift -Treatment Beds & Recovery Support services
Major Thank You's
--to our friends in the Private Treatment Community, and the  Recovering Community assisting in the largest outreach for addiction need in Louisiana's History! 

Read the Press Release NAATP $5million in treatment services.

Amazing love and support from Recovering people and supporters, has brought an incredible amount of literature to Louisiana and impacted areas.  People mobilized across the country very quickly, within hours,  to send literature to aid in relief efforts, volunteers have assisted in bringing literature to shelters during
both hurricanes. 

No Alcohol/Other Drug Plan in place for Hurricanes of 2005
The response to Hurricanes of 2005 failed to address the addiction issues facing the region, and we see prevention, treatment, and recovery support in the rebuild and restoration of communities impacted.

LA Facts

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