Faces and Voices of Recovery
organizing the recovery community


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Read "Rescued Lives:The Oxford House Approach to Substance Abuse" and join the discussion!

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September 20
Over 40,000 people in recovery, family members, friends and allies came together...



SEATTLE — It was not your usual courtroom scene. For one thing, the judge choked up as he described one woman’s struggle with opiate addiction ....

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The Recovery Bill of Rights

The Recovery Bill of Rights is a statement of the principle that all Americans have a right to recover from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Learn more


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in mobilizing and organizing the recovery community!

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National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month


Wellstone-Domenici bill signed into law!

Recovery Voices Count 2008 Get involved in nonpartisan voting activities!

October 30th eNewsletter
Recovery Voices Count; Online Book Club; Mutual Support Guide