Everything For People Concerned About Smoking and Nonsmokers' Rights,
Smoking Statistics, Quitting Smoking, Smoking Risks, and Other Smoking Information


Action on Smoking and Health

A National Antismoking & Nonsmokers' Rights Organization
 Entirely Supported by Tax-Deductible Contributions

Learn How You Can Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones
From the Deadly Dangers of Even Small Amounts of Smoke

[4/29/09] Click here to find out about four new dangers to your health and what ASH is doing to fight for your rights as a non-smoker.


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Dedicated to
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Wells



Custody and Smoking
Smoking in Condos/Apartments
Smokefree Air Laws

Toxins in Tobacco Smoke
Secondhand Smoke Dangers
Govt. Rprt. on Secondhand Smoke

Tobacco Class Action Law Suits
Sue-Big-Tobacco Lawyer List
Tobacco Settlement, Multistate

ASH's International Site
Foreign Antismoking Groups
Domestic Antismoking Groups

Smoking Facts and Statistics
Children and Smoking
Women/Mothers and Smoking

Quitting Guidelines
Additional Antismoking Links
Congress, Govt. & Political Links

Congress, Govt. & Political
News Sources
30 Minutes of Exposure Can Kill

Do a 2-Minute Survey and Win a Prize
Click here for more information.
Know Your Health Risk:
Click here to get a FREE individualized assessment of your risk of getting 5 major fatal and disabling diseases.
Protect Foster Children:
Click here
to urge your state to protect foster children from secondhand smoke.
Urge the U.S. to Ratify the FCTC:
Click here to urge the U.S. to support the world's first public health treaty.
Toxic Tobacco Smoke:
Click here to learn what toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke are putting your life at risk.
Custody and Smoking:
Click here to learn how to raise the issue of smoking in a child custody case.
Sue Big Tobacco Now:
Click here to see how you can sue or join class action law suits against big tobacco companies.
Class Action Law Suits:
Click here to learn about the many class action law suits against big tobacco companies.

Why YOU Should Join A.S.H

A.S.H. is the nation's oldest and largest antismoking organization, and the only one which regularly takes hard-hitting legal and other actions to fight smoking and to protect the rights of nonsmokers. 

A.S.H. provides nonsmokers with legal forms and valuable information to help them protect their rights, and to learn more about the problems and costs of smoking to nonsmokers. 

A.S.H.'s actions have helped prohibit cigarette commercials; ban smoking on planes, buses, and many public places; lower insurance premiums for nonsmokers, etc. 

A.S.H. is entirely supported by tax-deductible contributions from people like you concerned about smoking and protecting the rights of nonsmokers. Click here for big tax-saving tips.

To learn how easy it is to join A.S.H., and to receive many special gifts,  please click here.

Please stay awhile, and sample the wide variety of news, documents, links, and other information available on A.S.H.'s site. Come back often for newly-added features

If you are a nonsmoker, A.S.H. 's site may save your life, or help you protect your health. It could also help to save the life of a friend or a loved one who still smokes. 

A.S.H. = ASH 
2013 H Street, N.W.
Washington,  D.C., U.S.A. , 20006

A National Legal-Action Antismoking Organization
Supported by Your Tax-Deductible Contributions

Please credit A.S.H., and include A.S.H.'s web address: http://ash.org

xyz.com =a COMmercial web site, primarily designed and maintained to make money

= a nonprofit ORG anization, primarily designed and maintained to serve the public


Introduction to ASH
Why Join ASH on Line
ASH's Save-Your Life Health Tips


Learn Your Genetic Cancer Risk
Cancer-Causing Chemicals
Test For Heart Time Bombs

DVT Is Killing Flyers
Dangerous Doctors List
Cholesterol Guidelines

Detect Breast Pre-Cancer
New Vitamins Dangers
Car/SUV Rollover Ratings

Free Meal Calculator
New Supplement Dangers