Narcotic Educational Foundation of America
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Several years ago CNOA was asked to manage the "Narcotic Educational Foundation of America" also known as (NEFA). The request came from Mr. Henry Hall whose father started NEFA in 1924 as a non-profit, public, educational organization. Mr. Hall was the oldest active member of CNOA before his death at the age of 92, and spent his entire adult life educating the general public about drug abuse.

As CNOA continues to manage the Narcotic Educational Foundation of America so will the tradition of educating children about the dangers of drug abuse.  NEFA provides drug abuse information free of charge to any parent, teacher or member of the community who might have questions or concerns about the dangers of controlled substance abuse.

Due to the ever-changing drug trends in America, providing up-to-date information has always been a priority as well as a great challenge. NEFA researchers continue to review the overwhelming amount of educational information available to us, in turn, sharing the most dynamic and objective information with our members and the community. .

Additionally, the Foundation provides information/training for our members and other law enforcement personnel in the area of drug enforcement issues, helping to prepare them for the professional tasks they are confronted with on a daily basis.

NEFA and CNOA also take pride in the relationship we have with the youth in our communities. In memory of Henry Hall and his lifetime work, NEFA and CNOA have initiated the Annual Poster Drawing Contest for 5th and 6th grade students throughout the State of California. NEFA and CNOA also sponsor the "Red Ribbon Week Essay Contest" for 7th and 8th grade students in California during the states well-recognized "Red Ribbon Week". Both contests have the "Say No to Drugs" theme with an emphasis on the dangers of drug abuse. Winners are awarded a certificate for an U.S. Savings Bond toward the student's scholarship fund.


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Free Articles & Bulletins
These NEFA Drug Bulletins are free to download and use for classes, seminars, or to distribute as you wish. The following topics are covered:

Helpful Links


11th Annual Henry Hall Scholarship Poster Drawing Contest

Several years ago CNOA was requested to manage the "Narcotic Educational Foundation of America" also known as NEFA. The request came from Mr. Henry Hall, the oldest CNOA member. Henry was an active CNOA member in Region III until his death at the age of 92. He spent his entire adult life educating the general public about drug abuse. Henry's father started NEFA in 1924 as a non-profit, public, educational organization. 

NEFA and CNOA initiated the First Annual Poster Drawing Contest in 1999 in memory of Henry Hall and his lifetime work. The contest is for 5th and 6th grade students throughout the State of California. One student from Northern California and one student from Southern California are chosen. 

The students are required to draw a poster representing the theme "Say No to Drugs." After the posters are drawn and submitted to CNOA, they are judged by a panel from NEFA and CNOA. 

CNOA is proud to announce the winners of the "Eighth Annual Henry Hall Scholarship Poster Drawing Contest". 

The awards are a gift certificate for a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond towards the Scholarship of each winner. Henry Hall donated $25,000 to initiate the Scholarship Fund. The winners will receive the Savings Bonds at a CNOA Regional Luncheon in their respective areas. 

   - Shirley Lessiak, Public Education & Information Committee 


Click here for the 
Poster Contest Rules


Click here for the 
Essay Contest Rules


The California Narcotic Officers’ Association And The Narcotic Educational Foundation of America 9th Annual CNOA Red Ribbon Week Essay Contest 

Theme: “Say No to Drugs”

Eligible Students: Any 7th or 8th Grade Student in the State of California


First Place $500 U. S. Savings Bond
Second Place $250 U. S. Savings Bond
Third Place $100 U. S. Savings Bond

Time Limits: August 1, 2009 to October 1, 2009

The California Narcotic Officers’ Association (CNOA) and the Narcotic Educational Foundation of America (NEFA) are pleased to announce the Seventh Annual CNOA Red Ribbon Week Essay Contest. The Narcotic Educational Foundation of America will be responsible to coordinate the contest for the California Narcotic Officers’ Association.

A panel of judges from CNOA, NEFA select the overall winners. Each winner will receive the indicated U. S. Savings Bond, which will go toward the student’s scholarship fund. All Essays will be judged on neatness, contents, theme and grammar.

The winners will be announced at the 2008 CNOA Training Institute in San Diego, California. Each respective Region Chairperson and members of a Region Committee will present the awards.

All three of the winning essays will be published on the CNOA Website immediately after the 2009 CNOA Conference.

2008 Henry Hall Poster Contest Winners

Region V
Anaheim Discovery Christian School
Anaheim CA
(6th Grade)

Region VII
Valley Oak Elementary School
Fresno CA
(6th Grade)


The 2009 Red Ribbon Week

1st Place Region V - $500
Region V
Corona Fundamental Intermediate School
Corona CA
(8th Grade)
 read essay >

2nd Place Region VI - $250
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Santa Barbara CA
(7th Grade)
   read essay > 

3rd Place Region III - $100
Our Lady of the Assumption School
Claremont CA
  read essay >


2009 S. Bert Jensen Scholarship Winners

Rules, Requirements & Application >

What is the S. Bert Jensen Scholarship Award?
A CNOA sponsored "Why Say No to Drugs" essay contest where the winner will receive a $1000.00 Scholarship donation upon enrollment to full-time college. (Applicant must be a graduating high school student and son, daughter or ward of current CNOA member).

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