Remarks by Secretary Paige for the Highly Qualified Teacher Policy Announcement
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March 15, 2004
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Thank you, Gene. Thank you all for coming today.

I would like to thank Congressman Gibbons for joining us today. Nevada and many other states have faced a unique challenge in meeting the highly qualified teacher requirements of No Child Left Behind.

These new common-sense policies resulted from our cooperative effort with the states. They will help teachers to meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind, and, most importantly, will help ensure that students are not left behind.

As Gene said, we're here today to announce another important step in the process of implementing the No Child Left Behind Act. We are serious about making sure that every student, including poor and disadvantaged students, has a highly qualified teacher.

Ray, our new assistant secretary for elementary and secondary Education, will outline some important new efforts on our part to see to it that states meet this goal.

Ray will also walk you through the details of the three new areas of flexibility for teachers. But first, I'd like to say a few words to give you some insight into how we arrived at this point.

Enacting any change in the federal government is a real exercise in patience. It requires extensive coordination and consultation. Despite the inherent obstacles, I am proud to report that we have been responsive and timely in our work.

The No Child Left Behind Act is still in its early years. It was only nine months ago that every state met the deadline for an approved accountability plan. With those plans in place at the beginning of this school year, we set out to understand the challenges of practical implementation.

This commitment resulted in an unprecedented partnership with states and districts. Through a series of conversations, summits, roundtables and visits with state chiefs, district superintendents, teachers and parents, we were able to recognize common themes and challenges.

Then we responded—both quickly and substantively—to what we saw and heard. In December, we announced that special education students would have new flexibility in meeting the law's testing requirements. And last month, limited English proficient students received new flexibility as well.

Today, we are addressing the highly qualified teacher provisions in that same spirit. Under No Child Left Behind, our nation made a commitment to ensuring that every student has a great teacher. States are now preparing to meet the 2005-06 school year deadline for ensuring that all teachers are highly qualified. Now, nearly two years ahead of this deadline, we are addressing some of the specific challenges faced by teachers in some of the most high-need areas.

These flexibility policies will help address the unique challenges faced by teachers in rural districts and schools, science teachers, and current teachers who teach more than one subject.

These policies will help us keep our promise to provide each and every child a great teacher, because we know how vital a role teachers play in student success. Of course, parents and the community play an important role, but when I was superintendent, I told my teachers: "They are ours as soon as they walk in our door." I meant it. Schools cannot lessen the burdens some children must bear outside of school. But, we can affect academic achievement, and that is where we must exert our influence. Research and experience have shown that a good school can make a difference in the lives of its students. That must be the driving force—our motto—every day. And the key to it all is the teacher.

This Department has been more responsive to the field than ever before. We remain committed to listening to the needs of students, parents and teachers. And we will continue fine-tuning the law's implementation if it is within the spirit of the law—and right for students.

With that, I'll invite Ray to outline these new policies. Thank you.



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Last Modified: 03/19/2004