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American Diabetes Association - ADA

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

1701 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311

800-DIABETES (Voice - Toll-free, (342-2383))
703-549-1500 (Voice)
703-549-6995 (FAX)


The American Diabetes Association (ADA), formed in 1940, was created to fight diabetes through education and research. Local chapters and affiliates use volunteers to organize educational and screening programs and to conduct fundraising activities to support research aimed at care, control, and cure of diabetes. The Association supports research into the nature and cause of diabetes, more effective means of treatment, factors leading to complications, and prevention and cure of diabetes. Salary support is provided to promising young researchers, and research grants provide scientists with equipment, supplies, and technical assistance for the study of diabetes. Research symposia and scientific sessions are conducted annually. Five professional journals keep the medical and scientific communities up to date in their respective fields. Patient educational programs are conducted by the State and metropolitan affiliates. The ADA also cooperates with governmental organizations at all levels and encourages governmental legislation and programs directed at people with diabetes. There are 40 affiliate organizations and over 800 local chapters.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The Association publishes educational materials for a variety of lay audiences and patients. Some topics include blood and urine testing, information for rescue personnel, insulin, foods and nutrition, children with diabetes, employment, travel, and complications such as hypoglycemia and foot problems. Specialized periodicals for professionals are also available. Serial publications: Diabetes Care (magazine), 12 times per year--for those in clinical practice; Diabetes (journal), monthly--provides research scientists and the medical profession with current information on diabetes research; Clinical Diabetes (newsletter), bimonthly--brief, current information on the clinical treatment of diabetes, for physicians and other health professionals; Diabetes Forecast (magazine), monthly--information on living successfully with diabetes, for patients and families. Diabetes Spectrum: From Research To Practice (journal), quarterly--interprets diabetes research for health professionals.

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Review Date

Fri May 1, 2009