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Content Last Revised: 10/27/78

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter XXV  

Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of Labor



Part 2560  

Rules and Regulations for Administration and Enforcement

29 CFR 2560.502-1 - Requests for enforcement pursuant to section 502(b)(2).

  • Section Number: 2560.502-1
  • Section Name: Requests for enforcement pursuant to section 502(b)(2).

    (a) Form, content and filing. All requests by participants, 
beneficiaries, and fiduciaries for the Secretary of Labor to exercise 
his enforcement authority pursuant to section 502(a)(5), 29 U.S.C. 
1132(a)(5), with respect to a violation of, or the enforcement of, parts 
2 and 3 of title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 
1974 (the Act) shall be in writing and shall contain information 
sufficient to form a basis for identifying the participant, beneficiary, 
or fiduciary and the plan involved. All such requests shall be 
considered filed if they are directed to and received by any office or 
official of the Department of Labor or referred to and received by any 
such office or official by any party to whom such writing is directed.
    (b) Consideration. The Secretary of Labor retains discretion to 
determine whether any enforcement proceeding should be commenced in the 
case of any request received pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, 
and he may, but shall not be required to, exercise his authority 
pursuant to section 502(a)(5) of the Act only if he determines that such 
violation affects, or such enforcement is necessary to protect claims of 
participants or beneficiaries to benefits under the plan.
[43 FR 50175, Oct. 27, 1978]

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