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Oliver v. Hydro-Vac Services, Inc., 91-SWD-1 (ALJ Oct. 9, 1991)

U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Administrative Law Judges
800 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001-8002

DATE: OCT 9 1991
CASE NO. 91-SWD-0001

In the Matter of:





    The parties are hereby notified that this proceeding has been assigned to this administrative law judge for disposition. As the parties are aware, Judge Musgrove passed away subsequent to the evidentiary hearing conducted on January 23 and 24, 1991 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in this proceeding.

    In order to be certain that I have the complete record of evidence and argument before me, the parties are requested to confirm that the formal record in this proceeding now consists of the following:

1. Transcript of hearing, pages 1 to 674, conducted on January 23 and 24, 1991.

2. Complainant's Exhibits Nos. 1 through 10, and 12 through 22. Complainant's Exhibit No. 20 is a cassette tape which Complainant describes as a duplicate copy of the conversations of Tom Cochran, Andy Hall, and Ernest A. Oliver. See letter dated March 8, 1991, filing that cassette with Judge Musgrove and certifying that a copy was furnished to counsel for Respondent. That Exhibit is received into evidence pursuant to the discussions appearing at Pages 348 and 413 of the hearing transcript.

3. Respondent's Exhibits Nos. 1 through 4.

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4. Post-hearing Briefs filed by Complainant, dated May 28, 1991; and filed by Respondent, dated May 29, 1991.

    By a Motion to Reopen Evidence, dated July 16, 1991, Complainant seeks a reopening of the record for the purpose of presenting additional evidence related to the prior testimony of Guy Moose, Jr., Regional Field Office Manager, Tennessee Division of Solid Waste Management at Chattanooga. In support of the Motion, Complainant asserts that his review of the files of on-site inspections conducted by the State of Tennessee between September 20, 1990 and January 14, 1991 confirm his allegations of violations of hazardous materials laws, and that the testimony regarding these matters was either untrue or misleading. Respondent argues that the Motion should be denied, for a variety of reasons. Upon review of the matter in light of the entire record, I am not persuaded that the additional evidence sought to be introduced has sufficient relevance to warrant reopening of the record. I am not persuaded that the additional evidence is material to determining the actual reasons for Respondent's termination of Complainant's employment on August 27, 1990.

    Accordingly, the Complainant's Motion to Reopen Evidence, dated July 16, 1991 to receive the above-described evidence is denied.

    In addition, on or before October 25, 1991, the parties shall file (1) any objections or clarifications to the above- stated itemization of the evidence and argument which constitute the present formal record; and (2) any reasons why the record should not now be deemed closed. In the absence of such filings, the record of evidence and argument will be deemed closed, and the matter submitted for a decision and order on the merits of the complaint.

       Administrative Law Judge

Washington, D.C.

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