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In the Matter of Slavin, 2002-SWD-1 (ALJ June 24, 2002)

U.S. Department of LaborOffice of Administrative Law Judges
800 K Street, NW, Suite 400-N
Washington, DC 20001-8002
DOL Seal

Date issued: June 24, 2002

In the Matter of


    In re Order Barring Counsel From Future Appearances issued in Jean F. Greene v. EPA Chief Judge Susan Biro, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), EPA Office of Inspector General, and EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges, DOL OALJ No. 2002-SWD-00001, HUDALJ No. 02-01-NA


   On June 20, 2002, Acting Chief Administrative Law Judge William C. Cregar, of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, issued an Order of Disqualification, barring Appellant from appearing before him, and from acting in an advisory capacity to any party, in DOL OALJ No. 2002-SWD-00001, HUDALJ No. 02-01-NA, or any other matter before Judge Cregar. As noted in In the Matter of Edward A. Slavin, Jr., 1998-CAA-10 and 11 (ALJ Oct. 6, 1998) (Notice of Appeal Rights), aff'd sub nom., Rockefeller v. U.S. Department of Energy, ARB No. 99-002, ALJ Nos. 1998-CAA-10 and 11 (ARB Oct. 14, 1998) (Notice of Review and Order Establishing Briefing Schedule), "[a]n appeal of an administrative law judge's order of disqualification under 29 C.F.R. § 18.36 lies with the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Department of Labor. 29 C.F.R. § 18.36(b)." Accordingly, Appellant is hereby notified that any petition for review of the order of disqualification pursuant to Rule 18.36(b) must be submitted to the undersigned by the close of business (5:00 pm EST) on July 8, 2002.


       Chief Administrative Law Judge

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