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Fugitt v. Slidell Moving & Storage, 94-STA-12 (Sec'y June 8, 1994)

DATE:  June 8, 1994
CASE NO. 94-STA-12






                            DECISION AND ORDER

     Before me for review is the Recommended Decision and Order
(R.D. and O.) issued by the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) on
February 11, 1994, in this case arising under Section 405, the
employee protection provision, of the Surface Transportation
Assistance Act, 49 U.S.C. app. § 2305 (1988).  Pursuant to 
29 C.F.R. § 18.39(b), the ALJ recommended dismissal because
Complainant abandoned the complaint.  I affirm the ALJ and
dismiss the complaint, as I explain below.
     After investigating the complaint, the Regional
Administrator found that Complainant's discharge was not in
violation of the STAA.  Complainant requested a hearing before 
an ALJ.
     Neither Complainant nor his representative appeared for the
first hearing scheduled in this case and Respondent moved for
dismissal.  The ALJ issued an Order to Show Cause granting
Complainant ten days to explain why he failed to appear. 
Complainant submitted a letter explaining that he had been out of
town for a week and upon receiving the notice of hearing, had
only 12 hours to prepare.  Complainant apologized for failing to
appear and asked for more time.  

[PAGE 2] The ALJ reset the hearing for a later date. A return receipt indicated that Complainant received the notice. Complainant again failed to appear or to notify the ALJ that he would not appear. Respondent's counsel explained that he had telephoned Complainant about a different matter, mentioned the second hearing date in this case, and Complainant was aware of it. Respondent again moved for dismissal. Complainant did not attempt to notify the ALJ of the reason for his failure to appear. Under the regulations governing hearings before Department of Labor ALJs, a party's request for hearing may be dismissed for abandonment if: (a) prior to the time for hearing such party does not show good cause as to why neither he or she nor his or her representative can appear or (b) within ten (10) days after the mailing of a notice to him or her by the administrative law judge to show cause, such party does not show good cause for such failure to appear and fails to notify the administrative law judge prior to the time fixed for hearing that he or she cannot appear. A default decision, under § 18.5(b), may be entered against any party failing, without good cause, to appear at a hearing. 29 C.F.R. § 18.39(b). Accordingly, I affirm the ALJ's recommended order and DISMISS the complaint as abandoned. SO ORDERED. ROBERT B. REICH Secretary of Labor Washington, D.C.

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