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Reemsnyder v. Mayflower Transit, Inc., 93-STA-4 (Sec'y Feb. 25, 1994)

DATE:   February 25, 1994








                            DECISION AND ORDER

     Before me for review is the November 12, 1993, Recommended
Decision and Order (R.D. and O.) of the Administrative Law Judge
(ALJ) in this case arising under section 405, the employee
protection provision of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act
of 1982 (STAA), 49 U.S.C. app. § 2305 (1988).  Complainant
Reemsnyder, an independent contractor, alleged that Respondent
Mayflower Transit, Inc. (Mayflower) violated the STAA when it
cancelled his contract to haul household goods.  The ALJ found
that both the complaint and the request for a hearing were timely
filed, that Reemsnyder established a prima facie case, that
Mayflower proffered a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for
cancelling the contract, and that Reemsnyder did not persuade
that the legitimate reasons given were a pretext for
discrimination.  Accordingly, he recommended dismissal of the
     Although permitted by 29 C.F.R. § 1978.109(c)(2), the
parties did not file briefs before the Secretary.  I have
considered the entire record that was before the ALJ.
     As corrected below, [1]  the ALJ's findings of fact, R.D.
and O. at 3-9, are supported by substantial evidence on the

[PAGE 2] taken as a whole, and therefore are conclusive. See 29 C.F.R. § 1978.109(c)(3). Likewise, the ALJ's credibility assessments are supported by the record and I defer to them. I agree with the ALJ that the complaint and the hearing request were timely filed. I note that telephone complaints are acceptable under the STAA. See, e.g., Greathouse v. Greyhound Lines, Inc., Case No. 92-STA-0018, Dec. and Order of Remand, Aug. 31, 1992, slip op. at 2 (telephone complaint timely under the STAA); Asst. Sec. and Kovas v. Morin Transport,Inc., Case No. 92-STA-41, Final Dec. and Order, Oct. 1, 1993, slip op. at 3 (noting that STAA complaint was made by telephone). The ALJ properly applied the evidence to the law. I agree with the ALJ and find that Reemsnyder established a prima facie case of a STAA violation. R.D. and O. at 16. I further find that Mayflower provided convincing, legitimate reasons for cancelling its contract with Reemsnyder, and that Reemsnyder was not persuasive that the reasons Mayflower gave were a pretext for discrimination or that his protected activities motivated the discharge. R.D. and O. at 20. Accordingly, I adopt the appended ALJ's Recommended Decision and Order. The complaint is DISMISSED. SO ORDERED. ROBERT B. REICH Secretary of Labor Washington, D.C. [ENDNOTES] [1] The R.D. and O. is corrected as follows. At p. 3, second full paragraph, line 8, replace "van operator" with "planner." At p. 4, first full paragraph, line 13, delete the reference to Tr. 363. At p. 6, second full paragraph, line 1, change "1990" to "1991."

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