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Cappellucci v. WhaleCo Oil Co., 94-STA-15 (ALJ June 29, 1994)

DATED:  June 29, 1994
CASE NO.: 94-STA-00015
In the Matter of



Kenneth H. Soble, Esq.
     For Complainant

Warren M. Davison, Esq.
     For Respondent 

Before:   Robert D. Kaplan
          Administrative Law Judge

                         RECOMMENDED ORDER
                        APPROVING SETTLEMENT    

     This proceeding was commenced under the Surface Transportation
Assistance Act of 1982 ("STAA"), 49 U.S.C. §2301, et
seq., based upon a complaint of discrimination filed on March
1, 1993 by Michael Cappellucci (the "Complainant") with the
Secretary of Labor (the "Secretary") alleging that Whaleco Oil Co.
(the "Respondent") violated Section 405(a) of STAA (49 U.S.C.
§ 2305).  Complainant alleged that Section 405(a) was violated
by the Respondent contra-vening a settlement agreement entered into
on July 27, 1992 and approved by the Occupational Safety and Health

[PAGE 2] which settled the issues in prior Section 405 Complaint number 01- 0120-92-503. The specific violation of the prior settlement agreement alleged by the Complainant was that the Respondent failed to recall him to work until March 1993. The instant complaint was investi- gated and found to have no merit by the Secretary, as set forth in Secretary's Findings issued on December 13, 1993. The Secretary found the Complainant had failed to establish his allegation that under the terms of the earlier settlement he should have been recalled by the Respondent for employment in December 1992. On January 10, 1994 Complainant filed an objection to the Secretary's Findings and requested a hearing before an administra- tive law judge. The case was assigned to me, and I scheduled a hearing for May 24, 1994 in Boston, Massachusetts. At the hearing before me the parties reached a settlement of the matter, and provided the following on-the-record description of the terms of their settlement: 1. The Respondent forthwith shall pay the Complainant the sum of ,500.00. 2. The Complainant waives the right to be recalled to work by the Respondent. 3. By entering into this agreement the Respondent does not admit it has violated the STAA. 4. Both parties waive all rights to appeal this resolu- tion of the complaint in the instant case. I find that the terms of the parties' settlement agreement are fair and should be approved. ORDER The parties' settlement hereby is APPROVED. ROBERT D. KAPLAN
[PAGE 3] Administrative Law Judge

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