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Toland v. Burlington Motor Carriers, Inc., 93-STA-35 (ALJ Nov. 24, 1993)

In the Matter of              :
DWIGHT E. TOLAND,             :    
                              :    Date:  November 24, 1993
          Complainant         :
     v.                       :    Case No.  93-STA-35
INC.,                         :      
          Respondent          :


On November 24, 1993, the Complainant, pro se, filed a motion to
compel discovery of certain documents in the possession of the
Respondent.  In particular, the Complainant seeks records of duty
status for Jerry Neighbours and Dwight Toland both for the period
August 10, 1993 through September 11, 1993.  As pointed out by the
Complainant in his motion, the Respondent had earlier represented
that such information would be provided, but had not been as of the
date of his motion.  Accordingly, 
IT IS ORDERED, that the Respondent immediately produce the
requested documents to the Complainant, if it has not done so as of
the date of this order.

                                   DANIEL J. ROKETENETZ
                                   Administrative Law Judge

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