Section 10 - Rented and Leased Vehicles

Section 10 in a first interview asks if there are any vehicle lease payments or new leases, then collects details about those vehicles and expenses.

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your CU made any lease payments or begun leasing any automobile or truck not used entirely for business?/begun leasing any automobile or truck not used entirely for business?

* IF YES - Read each item on list
What kind of vehicle was it?

  1. Automobiles?
  2. Trucks, including vans and SUVs?
  3. None/No more entries

* Ask if necessary
What is the model year of the vehicle? [enter value] _____________

What is the make and model of this vehicle? [enter text] _____________

How many cylinders does it have? [enter value] _____________

Which of the following does the vehicle have?

* Enter all that apply
* Read entire list.

  1. Automatic transmission
  2. Power steering
  3. Power brakes
  4. Air conditioning
  5. Sun roof
  6. Turbo charged engine
  7. Diesel engine
  8. Four wheel drive
  9. Don't know
  10. None

How many doors does it have? [enter value] _____________

Is it a...

  1. Station wagon?
  2. Convertible?
  3. Hatchback?
  4. Other?

Is it used for business?

  1. Yes
  2. No

What percentage of the mileage is counted as a business expense? [enter value] _____________

How many miles are currently on the vehicle?

*Enter to the nearest whole mile [enter value] _____________

Was it new or used when first leased?

  1. New
  2. Used

Was this vehicle leased from a...

  1. New or used vehicle dealer?
  2. Independent leasing company?
  3. Bank?
  4. Someplace else?

* Specify: [enter text] _____________

What was the number of payments contracted for? [enter value] _____________

In what month was or will the first payment be made? [enter text] _____________

In what year was or will the first payment be made? [enter value] _____________

What is the amount of each payment? [enter value] _____________

What period is covered by each payment?

  1. Week
  2. 2 weeks
  3. Month
  4. Quarter
  5. Semiannually
  6. Annually
  7. Other

* Specify: [enter text] _____________

Does the payment include any charges other than the lease amount such as auto insurance or maintenance?

  1. Yes
  2. No

How much of the payment is for these extra charges? [enter value] _____________

Is any of the lease payment paid by an employer?

  1. Yes
  2. No

How much? [enter value] _____________

Was a trade-in allowance received?

  1. Yes
  2. No

How much? [enter value] _____________

Was a cash down payment made?

* Read if necessary- Your lease agreement may list this as a capitalized cost reduction.

  1. Yes
  2. No

How much? [enter value] _____________

Was any portion of the cash down payment paid by an employer?

  1. Yes
  2. No

How much? [enter value] _____________

Do you still have this vehicle?

  1. Yes
  2. No

In what month was the lease terminated? [enter text] _____________

In what year was the lease terminated? [enter value] _____________

Were any fees incurred at the termination of the lease?

  1. Yes
  2. No

How much? [enter value] _____________

Did you lease any other automobiles/trucks, vans, or SUVs?

  1. Yes
  2. No

End of Section 10


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Last Modified Date: January 5, 2005