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Jain v. Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist., 90-ERA-1 (Sec'y Apr. 2, 1992)

DATE:  April 2, 1992





                           FINAL DECISION AND ORDER
    Before me for review is the Recommended Decision and Order
(R.D. and O.) of the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in this case
arising under the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended
(ERA), 42 U.S.C.  585} (1988).  The ALJ recommended that the
complaint be dismissed, finding that Complainant failed to
establish that his discharge was in retaliation for his protected
activity.  Complainant, proceeding pro se, submitted a brief
opposing the ALJ's decision.
    Based on a review of the entire record in this case, I find
that the ALJ's factual findings are fully supported by the record,
and I agree with the ALJ's conclusion that Complainant failed to
establish retaliatory discharge in violation of the ERA.  The
following discussion is added to further clarify the ALJ's
decision, which I adopt and append hereto.
    Generally, in order to establish a prima facie case under the
employee protection provisions implemented by 29 C.F.R. Part 24, a
complainant must show that he engaged in protected activity of
which respondent was aware and that the respondent took some
adverse action against him.  Additionally, the complainant must
present evidence sufficient to at least raise an inference that
the protected activity was the likely motive for the adverse 

[PAGE 2] action. See Dartey v. Zack Company, Case No. 82-ERA-2, Sec. Decision, Apr. 25, 1983, slip op. at 7-9. If the complainant establishes a prima facie case, then respondent has the burden of producing evidence that the adverse action was not motivated by legitimate, nondiscriminatory reasons. See Dartey at 8. If so produced, complainant, as the party bearing the ultimate burden of persuasion of discrimination, has the opportunity to show that the proffered reason was not the true reason, but a pretext for retaliation. See Dartey at 8-9. The complainant here established a prima facie case. It is undisputed that Complainant established protected activity and adverse action by the Respondent, who had knowledge of the protected activity. Additionally, Complainant presented evidence sufficient to raise an inference that the adverse action was motivated by this protected activity, i.e. evidence of his seniority at the time of the lay-offs and raising questions concerning the procedures employed by Respondent in identifying positions which would be eliminated. In response, Respondent established that its Rancho Seco plant, where Complainant was employed, was being closed down and that massive lay-offs were effectuated as a result. Respondent presented documentary and testimonial evidence of its procedures in effectuating these lay-offs, and established that positions rather than individuals were targeted, and that the Plant Performance Associate Nuclear Engineer positions were targeted from the outset of this operation. RX 2-RX 14; Tr. at 123-125; 138-140; 149; 156-166; 198-205; 234-238; 256-2S7. Complainant who held one of these engineering positions, failed to show that Respondent's reasons for targeting his position classification for lay-off were pretextual, and that the challenged actions were motivated by his protected activity. The evidence does not show that Respondent had a discriminatory motive for the lay-offs which led to Complainant's Voluntary Separation Agreement, or for targeting Complainant's position. For the foregoing reasons and based on the additional relevant factual findings by the ALJ, I agree with the ALJ's conclusion that Complainant did not demonstrate a discriminatory motive by Respondent in violation of the ERA. See ALJ's R.D. and 0. at 3-4. Accordingly, the complaint is dismissed. SO ORDERED. LYNN MARTIN Secretary of Labor Washington, D.C.

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