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Trieber v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 87-ERA-25 (ALJ Jan. 11, 1989)

U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Administrative Law Judges
1111 20th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036


In the Matter of:





   Complaint's Motion for Continuance, received December 19, 1988, and responses of TVA and System Energy Resources, Incorporated, received December 29, 1988 have been considered. From these documents it appears that Complaint has known since July 1988 that two of the people he now wants to depose are no longer employees of TVA, that their respective locations are in Kingsport, Tennessee and Kent, Washington, and without some agreement and travel arrangements, all could not be deposed in Jackson, Mississippi. What is not known, however, and has not been offered is an explanation of why Complainant failed to schedule depositions or file interrogatories for discovery of Messers Hartman and Thompson within the time allowed. While I am aware, (1) that some time elapsed between the mailing of the Order of October 26, 1988 and its receipt, (2) of the time required for notice of depositions, unless otherwise waived, (3) of possible conflicts of lawyers schedules which can delay the obtaining of an agreeable date for depositions, (4) of the possible unavailability of witnesses for depositions, and (5) that Complainant may not have had sufficient funds to cover the associated expenses, such has not been proffered by Complainant as the cause of his failures to complete discovery within the allotted time.

   Considering the reasons why Complainant, was granted leave to conduct discovery prior to a ruling on respondents' respective Motions for Summary Judgment, caution mandates that Complainant

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be granted a reasonable time to explain why he failed to do so. While such reasons could be inferred from his motion, I will not do so given the procedural progression history of this matter. Accordingly,

   IT IS ORDERED that Complainant submit, on or before January 20, 1989, the reasons why the remaining desired discovery was not completed within the time constraints of the leave granted on October 26, 1988. Upon receipt of such response or the expiration of the time permitted for Claimant's respose, whichever occurs first, I will rule on the motion for continuance.

   The time for submitting final positions on Respondents Motions for Summary Judgment is hereby stayed.

At Washington, D. C.        Entered: 1/11/1989

           JAMES L. GUILL
           Administrative Law Judge

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