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EPA Lead Program Grant Fact Sheet

EPA's National Community-Based Lead Grant Program

The National Community-Based Lead Outreach and Training Grants promote efforts to prevent or reduce childhood lead poisoning. In 2008, the Agency awarded nearly $2 million in grant dollars to fund this ambitious program. These grants will fund local efforts to reduce the incidence of childhood lead poisoning in communities with older housing, including community outreach efforts, training and local ordinance development projects. Grant recipients range from city health departments to universities and colleges, community organizations, religious groups, and other non-profit organizations.

EPA's lead program is playing a major role in meeting the Federal goal of eliminating childhood lead poisoning as a major public health concern by 2010, and the projects supported by these grant funds are an important part of this ongoing effort. According to the Centers for Disease Control in 1978 there were 13.5 million children in the US with elevated blood lead levels. By 2002, that number had dropped to 310,000.

For more information about EPA's Lead Program, visit www.epa.gov/lead or call 1-800-424-LEAD.

Texas Tech University

EPA has selected the Texas Tech University (TTU) and their partners, TTU's Institute of Environmental and Human Health (TIEHH), the TTU Center for Public Service (CPS), the Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN), and Motivation, Education and Training, Inc. (MET Inc.)for a National Community-Based Lead Outreach and Training Grant.

In collaboration with its partners, TTU will conduct community-specific lead exposure risk assessments, coordinate outreach and education to clinicians serving 18 identified mobile worker communities, provide EPA/HUD approved Renovation, Remodeling and Painting (RRP) lead-safe work practice train-the-trainer training programs, and establish lead hazard information advocacy teams in the communities. Additionally, TTU will perform an analysis of local existing ordinances relevant to childhood lead poisoning, lead abatement, and RRP issues for homeowners, rental properties and property transactions.

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