What's Happening

heart graphicTopical Conference Calls

DATE: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
TIME: 11 am – 12 noon
TOPIC: Supporting Siblings of Children & Youth with Special Needs
PRESENTER: Dr. Meike Watzlawik, Developmental Psychologist and visiting scholar at Clark University
Handouts, toll-free dial in number and conference code will be available by December 1. For more information now, call 1-800-331-0688, ext. 210 or e-mail massfv@fcsn.org.

If you were unable to participate in past calls, you can listen to the playback and download the handouts at Topical Calls.

heart graphicHealth & Wellness

Healthy Eating Teens eat more meals away from their families and have more control over when and what they eat. Read about Trends in Teen Nutrition, and get ideas for helping your teen manage weight, eating disorders and learn tips for healthy eating at Kid Source Online.


Resource Highlight

heart graphic In July 2002, after 11 years of advocacy, Massachusetts General Law Chapter 171: An Act Providing Support to Individuals with Disabilities and Their Families was passed. Seven state agencies are named in the law (see list at here). The implementation of this law states that each of the 7 state agencies will solicit “substantial consultation” from the families they serve and use it to create an annual Individual and Family Support Plan (read the 2009 plans on the MFOFC website).

For information about how each agency collects substantial consultation, read the Chapter 171 report. If your family receives services from one of the agencies mentioned in the report and you’d like to know how you can participate in the “substantial consultation” process next year, or have other feedback to contribute, contact the agency liaison.