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Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
Rifle Hunt 2006 Regulations

All Texas State Hunting Regulations apply to hunting at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. As a licensed hunter, you are responsible for knowing and following state hunting laws. Texas state hunting laws are not listed in this brochure. For complete information we encourage you to read the 2006-07 Outdoor Annual Hunting Regulations or contact Texas Parks & Wildlife at (800) 792-1112 or www.tpwd.state.tx.us

Refuge Regulations
In addition to state laws, the following conditions apply at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge:

Aransas Rifle Season
The Rifle Hunt will take place on four weekends (Saturday & Sunday). The scheduled weekends are:

4th & 5th, 18th &19th

2nd & 3rd, 16th & 17th

The Hunt Area will open for hunting at 5:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m., road and other conditions permitting.

Rifle Hunt Permits
There will be 100 permits issued on a first come first served basis for each of the four Rifle Hunt weekends. The primary hunter may select a weekend preference. Completed applications and fees must be postmarked or received at the Refuge Visitor Center, no later than September 5th, 2006.
Permits will be issued by mail, along with a map of the Hunt Area, regulations, scouting information and times of hunt. Rifle Hunt permits are nontransferable and valid only for the named permittee.

Obtaining Permit Applications
You may download applications and information at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/refuges/texas/aransas/index.html. Hunters may also request applications from the Refuge Visitor Center.

Rifle Hunt Fees
The fee is $125 per hunter, per 2-day hunt. Payments of cash, cashier’s check or money order are accepted. Personal checks will not be accepted. Do not mail cash.

Refunds and Cancellations
Full refunds will be given (by mail only) to those hunters that can not be accommodated or if the Refuge cancels your weekend hunt.

Alcohol is not permitted on the Refuge.

Only street legal cars and trucks are permitted in the Hunt Area. Vehicles must remain on roads with parking permitted along roadsides in such a manner that will not interfere with normal traffic flow. The speed limit is 35 m.p.h. unless otherwise posted. All Texas driving laws apply to Refuge roads.

Hunt Area
Only a designated portion of the Refuge is open to hunting (19,496 acres). Hunting is not permitted within 100 yards of roads. Hunters may not shoot across roads. All of the Hunt Area is first come, first served. No area may be reserved. Only hunters with permits for that weekend will be admitted to the Hunt Area.

Closed Areas
The boundaries of closed areas are shown by either disked tracks 15 feet wide or by 15 foot wide tracks of cleared vegetation, and by “ AREA CLOSED” signs. Unusual conditions may cause closure of any portion of the Hunt Area.

Fishing Access
Fishing is not permitted in the Hunt Area. Fishing closes Oct. 15th along the Refuge shoreline normally open to the general public (San Antonio Bay).

Scouting Access
Hunters with permits may scout in the Hunt Area on the Friday of their hunt weekend, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Non-permitted individuals may not accompany the hunter. All weapons must be unloaded, cased and remain in the vehicle while scouting on the refuge.

Only biodegradable flagging color-coded for your hunt weekend is authorized for trail and hunt stand marking. (may be purchased at the Refuge Visitor Center). The use of construction tape, cloth, ribbon, webbing, string, or any other non-biodegradable product is littering. Hunters are required to remove all flagging at the end of their hunt.

Hunting Stands
Portable stands and blinds are permitted on the Refuge during the Rifle Hunt. Your equipment may be put out during scouting, but it must be removed at the end of your hunt weekend. Stands or blinds must be a minimum 100 yards away from any road. Do not drive any objects into a tree, nor cut any part of a tree. Stands or blinds do not reserve an area.
Do not hunt from existing structures.

The use or possession of bait during the scouting or hunting periods is prohibited.

Legal Weapons
Only center-fire rifles in accordance with state law may be used. Hunters are not permitted to be in possession of handguns on the refuge. All weapons must be unloaded and cased while in a vehicle.

Hunter Orange
Hunters must wear at least 400 square inches of hunter orange including 144 square inches visible in the front and rear. Some hunter orange must appear on headgear.

Field Dress
Harvested game may be dressed in the Hunt Area only. A meat cooler is available for dressed game at the check station.

Legal Species & Bag Limit
As part of a hunters annual statewide bag limit hunters may take:
Two white-tailed deer (either sex) per hunter. No bonus tags are permitted. You must legally tag and log your harvested deer in writing at the Refuge game cooler.
No limit on feral (wild) hog.
No other species may be hunted.

Check Station
Successful hunters are required to stop by the Refuge Check Station and report their harvested deer and hogs, in writing on the hunt log at the Refuge game cooler.

For Additional Information Contact:

Visit us on the web at:


Write us at:

Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
P.O. Box 100
Austwell, Texas 77950

Call us at:

ph: 361-286-3559


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