ATTC: Unifying science, education and services to transform lives.
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nida/samhsa-attc blending initiative
Serving the Field Since 1993
Building on a rich history, the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network is dedicated to identifying and advancing opportunities for improving addiction treatment. Our vision is to unify science, education and services to transform the lives of individuals and families affected by alcohol and other drug addiction.

The Network undertakes a broad range of initiatives that respond to emerging needs and issues in the treatment field. The Network is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to upgrade the skills of existing practitioners and other health professionals and to disseminate the latest science to the treatment community. We expend those resources to create a multitude of products and services that are timely and relevant to the many disciplines represented by the addiction treatment workforce.

Serving the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Pacific Islands, the ATTC Network operates as 14 individual Regional Centers and a National Office. At the regional level, individual Centers focus primarily on meeting the unique needs in their areas while also supporting national initiatives. The National Office leads the Network in implementing national initiatives and concurrently supports and promotes individual regional efforts.

Together we take a unified approach in delivering cutting-edge knowledge and skills that develop a powerful workforce . . . a workforce that has the potential to transform individual lives.

The ATTC Network focuses on six areas of emphasis for improving addiction treatment and provides several resources.

What is technology transfer?

The transmission of information for the purpose of achieving behavior change (Backer, 1991).

The ATTC Network transmits the latest knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional addiction treatment practice.

Our goal is to enhance clinical practice.

The Change Book Follow this link for more info on technology transfer.
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Addiction Technology Transfer Center National Office
(816) 235-6888   email:
Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT),
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
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