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National Collegiate Athletic Association - NCAA

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

700 West Washington Street
P.O. Box 6222
Indianapolis, IN 46202-6222

317-917-6222 (Voice)
317-917-6888 (FAX)


The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), founded in 1906, serves as the national association for collegiate athletics. As a voluntary association of more than 900 institutions, the NCAA administers college athletics programs and rules on issues pertaining to the administration of intercollegiate athletics. Services include sponsorship of athletic championships, scholarships for college athletes to pursue graduate studies, approval and publication of rules for collegiate sports, research on sports-related problems and issues, compilation of sports statistics, promotion of sports events, and group insurance programs. The NCAA is also involved in sports medicine and safety activities. NCAA publications include position statements on such issues as sports safety and sports medicine, as well as rules of play and sports statistics.

Online Resources

Print Resources

NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook; NCAA Injury Surveillance Summary booklets; NCAA Drug-Testing Booklet

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Review Date

Fri Jan 16, 2009