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Glacier National Park
Traveling Trunks

Glacier National Park has 4 educational trunks that are available for local check-out. Trunks are a great way to bring props and materials that are otherwise hard to find to your classroom. There are ideas for stand-alone activities as well as materials that can supplement your own classroom curriculum ideas. Each trunk has a wealth of props and ideas and includes lesson plans that fit Montana Content and Performance Standards for science, math, language arts, music, art, health and wellness, and social studies. Trunks are a fantastic resource for students from pre-K to 12th grade.

All of Glacier’s traveling trunks are free of charge and can be borrowed for 2-4 weeks at a time but must be picked-up and dropped-off in person (Sorry, it is not possible to mail the trunks.) To arrange to borrow a trunk contact Glacier’s Education Specialist.

Glacier Education Trunks Brought to Your School!

What: Glacier's Education Specialist will come to your school with one of the park's education trunks - bear, wolf, FireWorks, songbird, or our new skulls Kit- and guide teachers through the materials, background information and lesson plans to help make using the trunks a snap.
Who: Laura Law, Glacier Education Specialist
When: For 3 hours after school or as part of a PIR day, to be arranged at least 1 month in advance with Glacier's Education Specialist, Laura Law.
Where: At your school.
Cost: Free!
OPI Renewal Units: 3

FireWorks Trunk
NPS Photo
FireWorks Trunk
The Fireworks trunk teaches students about the physical and chemical properties of fire as well as the role of wildfire in our western landscape. This trunk is packed with exciting experiments, a felt board, wall posters, an interactive CD highlighting native uses of fire, and much more!
Songbird Kit
NPS Photo
Songbird Kit

This dynamic songbird kit is geared for the classroom as well as outdoors. Resource materials, activities, videos, a felt storyboard, posters, recorded bird songs, and puppets all help students learn more about the natural history of several songbirds.

Wolf Trunk
NPS Photo
Wolf Trunk

The wolf trunk is great for learning about predator/prey relationships, food chains, and misconceptions about wolves.  This trunk includes the pelts, skulls, and track samples of wolves and their prey. There are also tapes of wolf howls, videos, DVDs, and track casts. Three different teacher guides based on grade level are also provided.

Bear Trunk
NPS Photo
Bear Trunk

Background material, research guides, and props included in the bear trunk help facilitate discussions about bears of the world, their habitats, and food sources. Emphasis is on black and grizzly bears, including how to tell them apart and how to hike/camp safely in bear country. An activity guide and sample lesson plans are included.  Upper grades will benefit from additional materials available on the web.

skulls kit
NPS Photo
Skulls Kit
The skulls kit provides students with opportunity to discover the wide variety of characteristics we can learn about an animal from its skull. Contained within this kit are activities utilizing 10 skulls to focus on predators, prey, omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores.
USFS bat trunk
Additional Trunks
Did you know that there are many more educational trunks available to teachers in NW Montana?
trunk workshop participants
Trunk Workshops
Earn PIR credits, learn what trunks are available, and get ideas for use in your classroom.

Did You Know?
Did you know that once Beargrass blooms and then dies, a new stalk will bloom 5-10 years after that?

Last Updated: December 09, 2008 at 10:42 EST