Former Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization Working Group - Home

Dear Partners,

Notice of Disbandment of the ACSM Working Group (ACSM-WG)
Call for Nominations of Advocacy Experts to the new Advocacy Advisory Committee

One of the recommendations of the recent McKinsey Evaluation of our Partnership was that overlap of function between the ACSM-WG and the Secretariat over advocacy activity should be clearer. This led to much deliberation over recent months and at its recent meeting in Tanzania, the Coordinating Board decided that:

  • The ACSM-WG should be disbanded and replaced as follows:

  • The old Country-level Sub-Group should be moved to become the ACSM Sub-Group of the DOTS Expansion WG where it will be appropriately linked with other TB control implementation concerns.

  • The old Global Advocacy Sub-Group should be replaced by a small, expert, Advocacy Advisory Committee providing advice and support direct to the Board and the Secretariat.

This note and the attached Terms of Reference (ToR) relate to implementation of the new Committee. The formal decision of the Board is attached to the ToR, giving a fuller description of the functions and activities of this new Committee of the Board.

The Advocacy Advisory Committee will give greater impetus to advocacy activities of the whole Partnership by both advising the Board and Secretariat, and helping them to engage the broad range of Partners in TB advocacy.

For the latter purpose, the Secretariat will manage an Advocacy Network of interested Partners to facilitate linkages between TB advocates, the Stop TB Partnership, its Working Groups and its Partners. The Network will aim to do this through: better coordination of advocacy campaigns; guiding efforts through a calendar of prioritized events; and helping develop tools for enhancing resource mobilization capacity. Apart from normal contacts, there will be a physical meeting once a year.

With best wishes,

Marcos Espinal, Executive Secretary, Stop TB Partnership
Paul Sommerfeld, Outgoing Chair, ACSM-WG

Centre for Resource Mobilization

Sub Group on ACSM at Country Level

Sub Group on Global Advocacy for Resource Mobilization