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Appellate Section


  • United States v. New York Bd. of Elections (2d Cir.) -- Letter Brief as Appellee
    • The district court was well within its discretion in denying the County intervention and that the new facts that arose following the United States’ motion to enforce did not establish that the County has a cognizable interest in the litigation or that the State cannot adequately represent those interests

    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], (unpublished) available at 277 F. App'x 444 02/27/09
    Letter Brief as Appellee [PDF] 03/12/08
  • Morales-Garza v. Lorenzo-Giguere (5th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The district court properly dismissed the case because Morales’ allegations were wholly insubstantial, did not to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, and failed to establish standing

    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], (unpublished) available at 277 F. App'x 444 02/27/09
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 03/12/08
  • United States v. Brown (5th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The district court’s finding of discriminatory intent is not clearly erroneous
    • Defendants forfeited their arguments that the remedial order violates their constitutional rights by failing to raise them before the district court
    • The remedial order’s requirements do not violate defendants’ First or Fourteenth Amendment rights

    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], publication pending, available at ---F.3d.---, 2009 WL 485709 02/27/09
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 05/16/08
  • Harkless v. Brunner (6th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • The head of a state agency designated as a VRA is liable for NVRA violations resulting from failures by the agency’s local offices
    • Ohio’s secretary of state is a proper defendant in this action

    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 545 F.3d 445 10/28/08
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 11/06/07
  • United States v. Missouri (8th Cir.) -- Appellant
    • The district court erred in holding that the State of Missouri cannot be held liable for NVRA violations committed by its local election authorities
    • The district court abused its discretion in concluding that survey responses by Missouri’s local election authorities were inadmissible hearsay
    • The NVRA’s language, structure, and legislative history make clear that a State that assigns voter-registration duties for federal elections to its local election authorities will be liable if those local officials violate Section 8 of the NVRA
    • The State’s interpretation of 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-6(b), (c), & (d) directly conflicts with the NVRA’s language
    • The “plain statement” rule does not apply in construing the NVRA
    • The United States’ interpretation of the NVRA does not violate the anti-commandeering rule of New York v. United States
    • The United States is challenging, in its entirety, the district court’s finding of no liability, including its ruling that Missouri conducted a list-maintenance program in compliance with 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-6(a)(4)
    • The district court abused its discretion in excluding as hearsay the survey responses that Missouri used in preparing its report to the federal government

    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 535 F.3d 844 07/29/08
    Brief as Appellant [PDF] 07/26/07
    Reply Brief as Appellant [PDF] 10/18/07
  • Large v. Fremont County (D. Wy.) -- Intervenor
    • The Supreme Court has previously rejected a similar constitutional challenge to Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act
    • Congress has broad powers to enact prophylactic and remedial legislation prohibiting some constitutional conduct when the legislation is congruent and proportional to the constitutional injury to be prevented or remedied
    • Section 2 is a valid exercise of Congress’s constitutional authority to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
    • Courts of appeals have rejected similar constitutional challenges to Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 01/16/07
    District Court Order 01/26/07
  • Bay County Democratic Party v. Land (6th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • Neither HAVA in general nor the provisional ballot provision in particular may be enforced through private litigation
    • HAVA does not preempt precinct-based election systems

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus Curiae in Support of Defendants-Appellants [PDF] 10/26/04
    Court of Appeals Decision, unpublished 10/26/04
  • United States v. Charleston County (4th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • The United States satisfied the three Gingles preconditions, establishing that the at-large method of electing the Charleston County Council is presumed to violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act
    • The district court correctly found under the totality of circumstances that the Charleston County's at-large voting scheme violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act
    • The district court correctly weighed the issue of causation in its totality analysis and properly found that racially polarized voting patterns in Charleston County could not be explained by partisanship

    Document Date 
    Brief as Appellee [PDF] 12/02/03
    Response to Appellants' Motion to Stay [PDF] 01/09/04
    Motion to Stay Denied 01/29/04
    Motion to Stay Denied 04/02/04
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 365 F.3d 341 04/29/04
    Opposition to Petition for Certiorari [PDF] 10/29/04
    Certiorari denied, reported at 125 S. Ct. 606 11/29/04
  • United States v. Blaine County (9th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is appropriate enforcement legislation under the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution
    • The county's at-large method of electing commissioners violates § 2
    • The district court did not abuse its discretion by relying on the United States' expert testimony and exhibits
    • The panel correctly relied on the Supreme Court's summary affirmance in Mississippi Republican v. Brooks
    • Section 2 does not require plaintiffs to produce evidence of intentional discrimination
    • The panel properly assessed American Indian cohesion
    • The panel gave appropriate weight to county elections

    Document Date 
    Brief as Appellee [PDF] 03/19/03
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 363 F.3d 897 04/07/04
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 363 F.3d 897 04/07/04
    Answer to Petition for Rehearing En Banc [PDF] 07/26/04
    Petition for Rehearing En Banc Denied 09/07/04
  • Johnson v. Bush (11th Cir.) -- Amicus Curiae
    • District court correctly entered summary judgment for defendants on plaintiffs' claim that the Florida constitutional provision that bars felons from voting was discriminatorily motivated
    • District court correctly entered summary judgment for defendants on plaintiffs' claim that the Florida constitutional provision that bars felons from voting violates the results test of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. 1973

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 11/26/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 353 F.3d 1287 12/19/03
    Court of Appeals Decision En Banc[PDF], reported at 405 F.3d 1214 04/12/05
  • Old Person v. Brown (9th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • District court erred in granting the defendants summary judgment on Section 2 claim on the ground that even if violation was shown no remedy should be implemented until state redistricting process was completed

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 03/26/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 312 F.3d 1036 12/04/02
  • Johnson v. Hamrick (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is valid legislation to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
    • Defendants' challenge to the constitutionality of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is barred by law of the case

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 01/28/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 296 F.3d 1065 07/05/02
  • Legarreta v. Nelson (5th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • Plaintiffs challenging failure to preclear election change under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act need not allege that the change is motivated by racial discrimination
    • District court should have empaneled a three-judge court to hear plaintiffs' Section 5 claim

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 08/03/01
    Court of Appeals decision, unpublished 03/07/02
  • Singer v. City of Alabaster (Sup. Ct. Alabama) -- Amicus
    • When a proposed change affecting voting has not been precleared by the Attorney General, city may not implement change and state court may not review failure to preclear

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML] 12/28/00
    State Supreme Court decision, unpublished 11/09/01

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Updated March 10, 2009