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Appellate Section

  • Day v. Minnesota (8th Cir) -- Intervenor
    • The Division intervened in this appeal in order to defend the constitutionality of the ADA provision abrogating states’ Eleventh Amendment immunity for claims brought pursuant to Title II

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 08/28/08
  • Chase v. Baskerville (4th Cir) -- Appellee
    • Congress acted appropriately when it enacted Title II and its abrogation provision (as applied in the prison context), as well as Section 504 and the statutory provisions that condition the receipt of federal funds on a State’s waiver of its Eleventh Amendment immunity
    • The court should not reach the question of Title II’s constitutionality because Section 504 provides an essentially identical remedy to the plaintiff, and the Fourth Circuit has already held that state agencies have no immunity to Section 504 claims
    • The State waived its Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 claims when it accepted federal financial assistance

    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF] (unpublished), available at 2008 WL 5427799 12/31/08
    Informal Brief as Appellee [PDF] 8/11/08
  • McIntosh v. Partridge (5th Cir) -- Intervenor
    • Congress did not grant federal courts jurisdiction to hear private USERRA claims against state employers
    • Congress has the authority pursuant to its war powers to subject state employers to private USERRA claims

    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 540 F.3d 315 08/08/08
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 11/16/07
  • Goodman v. Donald (S.D. Ga.) -- Intervenor
    • This court should avoid deciding the constitutionality of Title II of the ADA
    • Congress validly abrogated States’ Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under Title II of the ADA

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 11/09/07
  • Miller v. Johnson (E.D. Va.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly abrogated States’ Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under Title II of the ADA

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 10/25/07
  • United States & Spencer v. Earley (4th Cir) -- Intervenor-Appellant
    • The district court erred in reaching the question of Title II’s constitutionality
    • The district court erred in dismissing Spencer’s claims on the basis of Eleventh Amendment immunity
    • This court should avoid deciding a new constitutional question
    • Should this court reach the question, it should hold that Congress validly abrogated States’ Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under Title II of the ADA, as applied in the prison context

    Document Date 
    Brief as Appellant [PDF] 11/02/07
    Reply Brief [PDF] 12/14/07
  • Haas v. Quest Recovery Services (6th Cir) -- Intervenor
    • In light of this Court’s holding that plaintiffs have not stated valid Title II claims against the State, this Court’s subsequent conclusion that the State is immune to plaintiffs’ Title II claims is in contravention of the Supreme Court’s instructions in Georgia and should not be reinstated

    Document Date 
    Letter Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 04/18/07
    Court of Appeals Decision on Remand [PDF] (unpublished), available at 2007 WL 2386464 08/24/07
  • Large v. Fremont County (D. Wy.) -- Intervenor
    • The Supreme Court has previously rejected a similar constitutional challenge to Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act
    • Congress has broad powers to enact prophylactic and remedial legislation prohibiting some constitutional conduct when the legislation is congruent and proportional to the constitutional injury to be prevented or remedied
    • Section 2 is a valid exercise of Congress’s constitutional authority to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
    • Courts of appeals have rejected similar constitutional challenges to Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 01/16/07
  • Chase v. Baskerville (E.D. Va.) -- Intervenor
    • This court should not reach the validity of Title II's abrogation
    • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act is valid Section 5 legislation as applied to prison administration
    • As the Fourth Circuit has held, state agencies validly waive their Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under Section 504 when they accept federal financial assistance

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 01/19/07
    District Court Decision (unpublished) 08/02/07
  • Buchanan v. Maine (1st Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • This court should not reach the constitutionality of Title II unless necessary
    • Title II is valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation as applied in the context of the provision of mental health services

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 08/30/06
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 469 F.3d 158 11/16/06
  • Westchester Day School v. Village of Mamaroneck (2d Cir.) -- Intervenor & Amicus
    • The district court correctly upheld the constitutionality of RLUIPA
    • The district court properly concluded that defendants substantially burdened plaintiff’s religious exercise, and failed to demonstrate that the substantial burden was imposed to further a compelling governmental interest in the least restrictive manner

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor & Amicus In Support of Plaintiff-Appellee[PDF] 08/11/06
  • Disability Rights Council v. WMATA (D.D.C.) -- Intervenor
    • This court should not reach this issue
    • Title II is valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation as applied to the context of public transportation

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 07/17/06
    District Court Decision [PDF], reported at 239 F.R.D. 9 12/09/06
  • Prye v. Blunt (W.D. Mo.) -- Intervenor
    • This court should not reach the constitutionality of Title II unless necessary
    • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act is valid Section 5 legislation as applied to voting

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 06/15/06
  • Jones v. Gale (8th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • This court has held that private plaintiffs may enforce the requirements of Title II of the ADA through Ex Parte Young suits

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 05/25/06
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 470 F.3d 1261 12/13/06
  • Spencer v. Earley (E.D. Va.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act is valid Section 5 legislation as applied to prison administration
    • As the Fourth Circuit has held, state agencies validly waive their Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under Section 504 when they accept federal financial assistance

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 04/14/06
    District Court Decision 01/30/07
  • Randolph v. Texas Rehabilitation Commission (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • This en banc court has held that a state agency waives its Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act when it accepts federal financial assistance

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 10/11/05
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF] (unpublished), available at 214 Fed. Appx. 424 01/18/07
  • Toledo v. Sanchez-Rivera (1st Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Under the analysis of Tennessee v. Lane, Title II is valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation as applied in the context of public education

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 08/25/05
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 454 F.3d 24 07/06/06
  • Roe v. Johnson (2d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • This Court should not rule on the constitutionality of Title II without first considering alternative grounds for affirming or reversing
    • Under the analysis of Tennessee v. Lane, Title II is valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation as applied in the context of public licensing programs

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 03/14/05
  • Constantine v. Rectors & Visitors of George Mason University ( 4th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • This court should decide first whether plaintiff stated a claim prior to entertaining the university's constitutional challenges
    • Congress validly conditioned federal funding on a waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity for private claims under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • Under the analysis of Tennessee v. Lane, Title II is valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation as applied in the context of public education
    • The ADA retaliation provision is also valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation
    • The Eleventh Amendment is no bar to private suits against state officials in their official capacities to enjoin future violations of Title II and Section 504

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 12/08/04
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 411 F.3d 474 06/13/05
  • Bill M. v. Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services (8th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • The district court properly declined to rule on the State's Eleventh Amendment challenge at this stage in the proceedings
    • Congress validly abrogated the State's Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under Title II of the ADA in the institutionalization context
    • The panel incorrectly concluded that this court's 1999 holding in Alsbrook v. City of Maumelle controls the outcome of this case

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 11/26/04
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 408 F.3d 1096 05/27/05
    Petition for Rehearing En Banc as Intervenor [PDF] 07/08/05
  • Muhammed v. Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (6th Cir.) -- Intervenor-Appellee
    • Title VII's prohibition of religious discrimination, including its accommodation requirement, is valid Section 5 legislation

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor-Appellee [PDF] 03/08/04
    Appeal dismissed 01/06/05
  • Midrash Sephardi, Inc. v. Town of Surfside (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • The RLUIPA sections at issue are a valid exercise of Congress's authority under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment and under the Commerce Clause
    • RLUIPA Sections 2(b)(1), 2(b)(3)(B), and 2(a)(1) as made applicable by Section 2(a)(2)(c) are within Congress's Section 5 powers because they codify established constitutional principles
    • Section 2(a)(1), as applied through Section 2(a)(2)(b), is a valid exercise of Congress's Commerce Clause authority
    • The RLUIPA provisions at issue are consistent with the Establishment Clause
    • RLUIPA does not violate the Tenth Amendment

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 01/05/04
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 366 F.3d 1214 04/21/04
  • Barbour v. WMATA (D.C. Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned receipt of federal funds on a waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity for private claims under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 10/26/03
    Court of Appeals Decision [HTML], reported at 374 F.3d 1161 07/09/04
  • S.C. v. Deptford Board of Education (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned IDEA funds on a waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity for private claims under the IDEA

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 08/28/03
    Appeal dismissed 10/20/04
  • Espinoza v. Texas Department of Public Safety (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress clearly conditioned receipt of federal financial assistance on a state agency's knowing and voluntary waiver of sovereign immunity to private actions under Section 504
    • Section 504 is valid Spending Clause legislation
    • The Department's waiver of sovereign immunity was effective

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 04/22/03
    Supplemental Letter Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 04/12/05
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], unpublished, 148 Fed. Appx. 224 08/25/05
  • Meyers v. Texas (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Suits under Title II may be brought against state officials in their official capacities for prospective relief
    • This Court need not, and should not, consider the State's challenges to the validity of the surcharge regulation in this appeal
    • The surcharge regulation does not exceed the scope of the Attorney General's delegated regulatory authority
    • Title II is valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation
    • Title II is valid Commerce Clause legislation as applied to this case
    • Title II does not violate the Tenth Amendment

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 03/20/03
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 410 F.3d 236 05/19/05
  • Lieberman v. Delaware (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned a State's receipt of federal funding on a waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity for private claims under Section 504

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 02/27/03
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], unpublished, 70 Fed. Appx. 630 07/14/03
  • Pugliese v. Dillenberg (9th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned the receipt of federal financial assistance on the waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to private claims under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • The State was not unconstitutionally coerced into waiving its sovereign immunity to Section 504 claims

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 02/03/03
    Reply Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 05/16/03
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 346 F.3d 937 10/07/03
  • Thomas v. University of Houston (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress clearly conditioned receipt of federal funds on a waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity for private claims under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • Section 504 is valid Spending Clause legislation
    • The University's waiver of sovereign immunity was effective

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 01/29/03
    Supplemental Letter Brief [PDF] 04/22/05
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], unpublished, 155 Fed. Appx. 115 11/04/05
  • Gross Seed Co. v. Nebraska Dep't of Roads & United States (8th Cir.) -- Appellees
    • The district court correctly determined that the federal DBE program is facially constitutional
    • The district court correctly determined that the federal DBE program is constitutional as applied

    Document Date 
    Brief as Appellees[PDF] 01/10/03
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 345 F.3d 964 10/06/03
  • Danny R. v. Spring Branch Independent School District (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress clearly conditioned receipt of federal funds on a waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity for private claims under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • Section 504 is valid Spending Clause legislation
    • The TEA's authority to solicit and accept federal funds conditioned on a waiver of sovereign immunity is sufficient, as a matter of federal law, to support a waiver of immunity through acceptance of federal funds

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 12/10/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], unpublished, 124 Fed. Appx. 289 03/30/05
  • Radaszewski v. Garner (8th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • Eleventh Amendment is no nar to rivate suits against state officials to enjoin future violations of federal law
    • Congress did not display any intent to foreclose jurisdiction under Ex parte Young for suits under Title II And Section 504

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amcus[PDF] 11/29/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 383 F.3d 599 09/08/04
  • Endres v. Indiana State Police Department & Holmes v. Marion County (7th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Whether, in extending the reach of Title VII to cover state employers, Congress validly abrogated States’ Eleventh Amendment immunity to suits for damages by private parties

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 07/29/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 334 F.3d 618 06/27/03
    Petition for Rehearing as Intervenor [PDF] 08/08/03
    Petition for Rehearing granted 11/19/03
    Rehearing dismissed 01/20/04
  • Miranda B., et al. v. John Kitzhabeer, Governor of the State of Oregon, etc. (9th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Defendants' arguments about the validity of the Federal Statutory provisions regarding regarding their Eleventh Amendment immunity from suit under Title II and Section 504 are foreclosed by binding circuit precedent
    • Suits under Title II and Section 504 may be brought against state officials in their official capacities for prospetive relief

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 07/23/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 328 F.3d 1181 05/14/03
  • Sherbrooke Turf, Inc. v. Minnesota Department of Transportation, et al. and United States, et al. (8th Cir.) -- Appellee
    • Sherbrooke has standing to challenge the DBE program
    • District court correctly concluded that recipients of TEA-21 financial assistance need not independemtly satisfy satisfy strict scrutiny
    • District court correctly determined that the federal DBE program is facially constitutional

    Document Date 
    Brief as Appellee[PDF] 07/15/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 345 F.3d 964 10/06/03
  • A.W. v. Jersey City Public Schools (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned receipt of federal funds on waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 and IDEA suits

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 07/03/02
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 341 F.3d 234 08/19/03
  • M.A. & United States v. State-Operated School District of the City of Newark and New Jersey Department of Education, etc. (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor/Appellee
    • Congress validly conditioned receipt of federal funds on waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 suits

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor-Appellee [PDF] 07/03/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 344 F.3d 335 09/16/03
  • Doe v. State of Nebraska (8th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned receipt of federal funds on waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 suits

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 07/02/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 345 F.3d 593 10/07/03
  • Bowers v. NCAA (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Congress validly conditioned receipt of federal funds on waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 suits
    • This court should not reach the constitutionality of Title II unless necessary
    • Title II is valid Fourteenth Amendment legislation as applied in the context of public education

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 06/28/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 346 F.3d 402 08/20/03
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 08/15/06
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 475 F.3d 524 02/01/07
  • Biggs v. Board of Education of Cecile County, Maryland (4th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Congress validly conditioned receipt of federal funds on waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 suits

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 06/14/02
    Reply Brief [PDF] 08/15/02
    Appeal dismissed 01/17/03
  • Wilkes v. Wyoming Dep't of Employment (10th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title VII actions charging illegal discrimination on the basis of sex

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 05/20/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [HTML], reported at 314 F.3d 501 12/23/02
  • Wilson v. Pennsylvania State Police Dep't (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned receipt of federal funds on waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 suits
    • Title I of the ADA may be enforced against state officials for prospective relief

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 04/23/02
    Reply Brief [PDF] 06/07/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], unreported, 2002 WL 31492373 11/07/02
  • Vadie v. Miss. State Univ. (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • University is precluded from asserting an Eleventh Amendment immunity defense by law of the case
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title VII actions charging illegal retaliation for making Title VII complaint

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 04/01/02
    Court of Appeals decision, reported at 218 F.3d 365 06/25/02
  • Wessel v. Glendening (4th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Title II of the ADA may be enforced by injunction against state officials

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 02/26/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 306 F.3d 203 09/26/02
  • Johnson v. Hamrick (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is valid legislation to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
    • Defendants' challenge to the constitutionality of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is barred by law of the case

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 01/28/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 296 F.3d 1065 07/05/02
  • Patrick W. v. Anderson (9th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 actions
    • Section 504 may be enforced by injunction against state officials

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 01/11/02
    Appeal dismissed 03/06/03
  • Chisolm v. McManimon (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid legislation under the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 11/02/01
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 275 F.3d 315 12/28/01
  • Thomas v. Nakatani (9th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II actions
    • Title II of the ADA may be enforce by injunction against state officials

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 10/28/01
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 309 F.3d 1203 11/06/02
  • Simmons v. Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 08/08/01
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 08/08/01
    Court of Appeals decision, unpublished 03/21/02
  • Lovell v. Chandler (9th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid legislation under the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 07/09/01
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 303 F.3d 1039 09/05/02
  • Vinson v. Thomas (9th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid legislation under the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 06/12/01
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF] , reported at 288 F.3d 1145 05/03/02
  • Root v. Georgia State Bd. of Veterinary Medicine (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II actions

    Document Date
    Petition for Rehearing [HTML] [PDF] 04/26/01
    Petition for Rehearing denied 05/17/01
  • McAleese v. Pennsylvania Dep't of Corrections (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid legislation under the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II and Section 504 actions
    • Title II and Section 504 may be enforced against statute officials through injunctive relief even if Congress did not validly remove States' sovereign immunity

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 05/02/01
    Court of Appeals decision, unpublished, 275 F.3d 36 (Table) 08/27/01
  • Garcia v. S.U.N.Y. Health Sciences Center (2d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of the ADA is valid legislation under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid legislation under the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to ADA Title II and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 04/13/01
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 280 F.3d 98 09/25/01
    Petition for Rehearing En Banc [PDF] 11/16/01
    Petition for Rehearing En Banc Denied 02/06/02
  • Robinson v. Kansas (10th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title VI and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 02/05/01
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML], reported at 295 F.3d 1183 07/09/02
  • Lunnie v. University of Arkansas (8th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title VII's prohibitions on race discrimination and retaliation are valid exercises of Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title VII actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 12/29/00
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 255 F.3d 615 06/20/01
  • Okruhlik v. University of Arkansas (8th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title VII's prohibitions on sex discrimination and retaliation are valid exercises of Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title VII actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 12/06/00
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 255 F.3d 615 06/20/01
  • Asbury v. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (8th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to IDEA and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 11/07/00
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], unpublished 04/18/01
  • Pawlowski v. Regents of the University of Colorado (10th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Equal Pay Act is valid exercise of Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Equal Pay Act actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 06/15/00
    Appeal dismissed, unpublished 08/22/00
  • Cisneros v. Wilson (10th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title I of ADA is valid exercise of the power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • May enforce Title I against state officials in their official capacities (Ex parte Young)

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 05/25/00
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML], reported at 226 F.3d 1113 09/11/00
  • Downing v. Board of Trustees of Univ. of Alabama (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title VII's prohibitions on same-sex sexual harassment and retaliation are valid exercises of Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title VII actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 05/17/00
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 321 F.3d 1017 02/13/03
  • Groome Resources, Ltd. v. Parish of Jefferson (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Fair Housing Act is a valid exercise of the Commerce Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Tenth Amendment no bar to application of Fair Housing Act to county
    • Act is not unconstitutionally vague

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 02/22/00
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 234 F. 3d 192 11/22/00
  • Hundertmark v. Watts (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Equal Pay Act is valid exercise of Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Equal Pay Act actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 02/22/00
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML], reported at 205 F.3d 1272 03/07/00
  • Walker v. Snyder (7th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Suits against state officials in their individual capacities not barred by t he Eleventh Amendment
    • May enforce Title II against state officials in their official capacities (Ex parte Young)
    • Title II of ADA is valid exercise of the power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title II actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 12/27/99
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML], reported at 213 F.3d 344 05/16/00
    Petition for Certiorari [HTML]  [PDF] 10/10/00
    Petition for Certiorari denied, reported at 531 U.S. 1190 02/26/01
  • Pomeroy v. Western Michigan University (6th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title I of ADA is valid exercise of the power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title I and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 10/12/99
    Court of Appeals decision, unpublished 02/28/01
  • Johnson v. Tennessee Technical Center at Memphis (6th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title II of ADA is valid exercise of the power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title II and Section 504 actions
    • Denying accessibility to courthouses and colleges implicates constitutional rights

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 04/07/99
    Appeal dismissed by stipulation 07/12/99
  • Sandoval v. Hagan (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor/Amicus
    • Title VI is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title VI actions
    • May enforce Title VI against state officials in their official capacities (Ex parte Young)
    • Private right of action to enforce Title VI discriminatory effects standard
    • English-only laws' discriminatory effect on the basis of national origin

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor/Amicus [HTML] [PDF] 01/11/99
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML], reported at 197 F.3d 484 11/30/99
    Certiorari granted, reported at 530 U.S. 1305 09/26/00
    Supreme Court Brief [HTML] 12/13/00
    Supreme Court decision [HTML], reported at 532 U.S. 275  04/24/01
  • Beasley v. Alabama State University (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Title IX actions

    Document Date
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 10/30/98
    Appeal dismissed, unpublished 09/27/99
  • Onishea v. Hopper (11th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Section 504 actions
    • May enforce Section 504 against state officials in their official capacities (Ex parte Young)
    • Section 504 was intended to protect HIV-positive persons

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 10/07/98
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML], reported at 171 F.3d 1289 04/07/99
    Opposition to Petition for Certiorari [HTML]  [PDF] 12/21/99
    Petition for Certiorari denied, reported at 528 U.S. 1114 01/18/00
  • Bradley v. Arkansas Department of Education (8th Cir.) -- intervenor
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to IDEA actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 04/16/98
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 189 F.3d 745 08/31/99
  • Varner v. Illinois State University (7th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Equal Pay Act is valid exercise of Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • Title VII's prohibition on policies with unjustified disparate impact on the basis of sex is valid exercise of Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to Equal Pay Act or Title VII actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor 12/02/97
    Court of Appeals decision, reported at 150 F.3d 706 07/21/98
    Opposition to Petition for Certiorari [HTML]  [PDF] 04/16/99
    Supreme Court remand order, reported at 528 U.S. 1110 01/18/00
    Supplemental Brief [HTML] [PDF] 04/03/00
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML], reported at 226 F.3d 927 09/06/00
    Opposition to Petition for Certiorari [HTML]  [PDF] 05/14/01
    Petition for Certiorari denied, reported at 533 U.S. 902 06/01/01

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Affirmative Action
Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
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Employment Discrimination (Race, National Origin, Sex, and Religion)
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Religion Cases
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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Updated March 12, 2009