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Submitting a FOIA Request

Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

How to Submit a FOIA Request ~ Online Request Form ~ Fee Schedule ~ FOIA Help

Who Can Submit a FOIA Request?

Anyone! U.S. citizens (and non-U.S. citizens), corporations, associations, public interest groups, private individuals, universities, and local, state or foreign governments can all submit FOIA requests.

How to Submit a FOIA Request:

You have several ways to submit your FOIA request for records in the possession of EPA's Region 6 Office which encompasses the states of AR, LA, NM, OK and TX:

Option 1: On-Line Request Form

Option 2: E-Mail: Send your FOIA request to Region 6 electronically at r6foia@epa.gov

Option 3: Facsimile: Fax your FOIA request to Region 6 at (214) 665-2146, Attention:
FOIA Officer.

Option 4: Mail via Postal Service to:
Freedom of Information Officer (6MD-OE)
U.S. EPA, Region 6
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75202-2733

To save time and money, please be as specific in your FOIA request as possible. Provide the full and complete name(s) of the facility(ies) you are inquiring about, the complete address(es), and a specific statement regarding which documents you wish to receive. Since many facilities are regulated under more than one Federal environmental law, please indicate the program or programs from which you desire to receive records. If you need database lists for a ZIP code area, please include the state and the needed databases. Please also indicate whether you would like these lists as a printout or on a diskette.

Your request should also include a statement regarding your willingness to pay statutory fees for the information requested.

What Happens to My Request?

Your request will be received by the Regional Freedom of Information Office. The request will be logged and assigned a unique identifying number called the "Request Identification Number" (RIN), which is used to track your FOIA request. You will be notified by mail of the RIN number, the date your request was received, and that EPA will respond within twenty (20) working days from the date received by the FOIA Office. You should reference the RIN number in all communications with EPA. Misdirected requests will not be considered received until the appropriate FOIA Office receives the request. Any documents that are denied in whole or in part will be indexed including the exemption(s) claimed for the denial. Under FOIA, you have the right of administrative appeal for a denial of records received from the Agency. The appeal information will be included in your response from the Agency.

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