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Prevention & Wellness Results: 1-3 of 3 Web Pages

Intraocular (Eye) Melanoma (PDQ®): Treatment

Treatment information for patients based on information in the PDQ summary for health professionals on the cancer type -- intraocular melanoma. PDQ® is reviewed and updated each month by experts in th... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Sunbeds, tanning and UV exposure  External Link

Sunbeds and sun tanning lamps are artificial tanning devices that claim to offer an effective, quick and harmless alternative to natural sunlight. However, there is growing evidence that the ultraviol... Details >

World Health Organization  External Link

Your Disease Risk: Melanoma  External Link

To estimate your risk of melanoma and learn about ways to lower that risk, take a few minutes to answer some questions about your health, background, and lifestyle. ... Details >

Educational Institution--Follow the Resource URL for More Information