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Circular A-76 Acronyms

 AGE Agency Government Estimate - The part of the agency tender in a standard competition that includes the agency’s cost proposal and represents the full cost of agency performance of the commercial activity, based on the requirements in the solicitation and the costing policy.  The agency cost estimate for a streamlined competition is developed in accordance with policy.
 ATO Agency Tender Official - An inherently governmental agency officer with decision-making authority who is responsible for the agency tender and represents the agency tender during source selection.
 CDRL Contract Data Requirements List - A line item of the required Compliance Matrix to be included in a private-public competition solicitation.
 C.F.R. Code of Federal Regulations - Is the codification of the general and permanent rules published by the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
 CLIN Contract Line Item Number - A line item of the required Compliance Matrix to be included in a private-public competition solicitation.
 CO Contracting Officer - An inherently governmental agency official who participates on the PWS team and is responsible for the issuance of the solicitation and the source selection evaluation methodology.  The contracting officer awards the contract and issues the MEO letter of obligation or fee-for-service agreement resulting from streamlined or standard competition.  The contracting officer and the source selection authority may the same individual.
 CSO Competitive Sourcing Official - An inherently governmental agency official responsible for the implementation of OMB Circular A-76 within the agency.
 ECP Estimated Contract Price - Estimated cost of performance if the activity is performed by a private contractor.
 FAIR  Federal Activities Inventory Reform - An agency shall prepare two annual inventories that categorize all activities performed by government personnel as either commercial or inherently government.
 FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation - The FAR outlines procurement policies and procedures that are used by members of the Acquisition Team.
 FICA Federal Insurance Contribution Act - Requires workers to pay taxes to support the Social Security system.
 FTE Full-time Equivalent - The staffing of a federal civilian employee positions, expressed in terms of annual productive work hours (1,776) rather than available hours that includes non-productive hours (2,080).  FTEs may reflect civilian positions that are not necessarily staffed at the time of public announcement and staffing of FTE positions may fluctuate during a streamlined or standard competition.  The staffing and threshold FTE requirements stated in the circular reflect the workload performed by these FTE positions, not the workload performed by actual government personnel.  FTEs do not include military personnel, uniformed services, or contract support.
 FWS Federal Wage System - FWS pay schedules are effective for a 12-month period, and differ from GS pay schedules in that effective dates for FWS pay schedules (a) occur during any month of the year and (b) vary by location.
 GAO General Accounting Office - Is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress.  GAO is often called the “congressional watchdog” because it investigates how the federal government spends taxpayers’ dollars.
 GFP Government-Furnished Property - Facilities, equipment, material, supplies, or other services provided by the government for use by all prospective service providers in the solicitation.  Costs for GFP included in a solicitation are considered common costs.  Replacement costs, insurance, maintenance and repair costs for GFP may or may not be government-furnished, depending on the provisions in the solicitation.
 GS General Schedule - GS pay schedules are effective on the firs day of the first full pay period of the beginning on or after January of each year.
 HRA Human Resource Advisor - An inherently governmental agency official who is a human resource expert and is responsible for performing human resources-related actions to assist the ATO in developing the agency tender.
 MEO Most Efficient Organization - The staffing plan of the agency tender, developed to represent the agency’s most efficient and cost-effective organization.  An MEO is required for a standard competition and may include a mix of governmental personnel and MEO subcontracts.
 OMB Office of Management and Budget - OMB’s predominant mission is to assist the President in overseeing in the preparation of the federal budget and to supervise its administration in Executive Branch agencies.  OMB ensures that agency reports, rules, testimony, and proposed legislation are consistent with the President’s Budget and with Administration policies.
 OPI Office of Performance Improvement - Office responsible for the implementation of GSA’s competitive sourcing program, headed by the Associate Administrator for the Office of Performance Improvement/Competitive Sourcing Official (CSO).
 OPM Office of Personnel Management - The federal government’s human resources agency.  OPM works with the President, Congress, department and agencies, and other stake holders to implement human capital that assist federal agencies in meeting their strategic goals.
 PWS Performance Work Statement - A statement in the solicitation that identifies the technical, functional, and performance characteristics of the agency’s requirements.  The PWS is performance-based and describes the agency’s needs (the “what”), not specific methods for meeting those (the “how”).  The PWS identifies essential outcomes to be achieved, specifies the agency’s required performance standards, and specifies the location, units, quality and timeliness of the work.
 QASP Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan - The government’s inspection plan.  The quality assurance surveillance plan documents methods used to measure performance of the service provider against the requirements in the PWS.  The agency relies on the service provider to monitor daily performance using the service provider’s own quality control plan, but retains the right to inspect all services.  When the agency makes a performance decision, the agency re-evaluates and modifies the existing quality assurance surveillance plan, based upon the selected provider and the selected provider’s accepted quality control plan.
 RD Requirements Document - All documents required in public-private competitions.
 SCA Service Contract Act
 SCF Standard Competition Form - The agency form that document and certifies all costs calculated in a standard competition.
 SLCF Streamlined Competition Form - The agency form that documents and certifies all costs calculated in the streamlined competition, in accordance with Attachment C of OMB Circular A-76.
 SSA Source Selection Authority - A competition official with decision-making authority that is responsible for source selection as required by the FAR and OMB Circular A-76.  The Source Selection Authority and contracting officer may be the same individual.
SSEB Source Selection Evaluation Board - A competition official with decision-making authority that is responsible for source selection as required by the FAR and OMB Circular A-76.  The Source Selection Authority and contracting officer may be the same individual.
U.S.C. United States Code
VERA Voluntary Early Retirement Authority – Is an early retirement program that helps minimize the impact of an agency’s personnel and/or budgetary situation that may result in an excess of personnel.
VSIP Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay – Is a program that provides agencies with a tool to incentivize surplus or displaced employees to separate by the voluntary retirement or resignation.  This program facilitates agency restructuring goals and helps avoid involuntary separations.