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Diseases & Conditions Results: 1-7 of 7 Web Pages

FAQ's About Hemochromatosis/Iron Overload   External Link

This is a comprehensive list of questions and answers about hemochromatosis or iron overload.... Details >

American Hemochromatosis Society, Inc.  External Link


This fact sheet presents a general overview on Hemochromatosis -- a hereditary disease with symptoms that include fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), and a change in skin c... Details >

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health

Hemochromatosis Fact Sheet: Health Information on Excess Iron and Iron Overload  External Link

Hemochromatosis is completely preventable. When diagnosis is in doubt, the patient should begin a trial of weekly phlebotomies at the blood bank. Four to six weeks will usually provide the answer. ... Details >

Iron Overload Diseases Association  External Link

Hemochromatosis Introduction  External Link

Hemochromatosis (HHC) is a genetic disorder of metabolism. Individuals with hemochromatosis absorb too much iron.... Details >

Iron Disorders Institute  External Link

Iron Overload and Hemochromatosis

Iron overload is a serious chronic condition that develops when the body absorbs too much iron over many years and excess iron builds up in organ tissues (for example, heart tissue and liver tissue). ... Details >

National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities

Juvenile Hemochromatosis & non-HFE related iron overload in youths  External Link

Hemochromatosis is a genetic metabolic disorder where a person absorbs too much iron and can result in dangerously high accumulation of iron in vital organs such as liver, heart, joints and brain whic... Details >

Iron Disorders Institute  External Link

What Is Hemochromatosis?

This publication discusses hemochromatosis (HE-mo-kro-ma-TOE-sis), a disease in which too much iron builds up in your body. This extra iron is toxic to the body and can damage the organs. The publicat... Details >

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health