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Eighth Annual Lawton Chiles International Lecture on Maternal and Child Health in the Americas

Education for a Lifetime of Inclusion for Children with Disabilities: World-Class Program in Peru – Centro Ann Sullivan del Peru
September 26, 2006
10:00 am

Sponsored by the NICHD and the Fogarty International Center

Location: Lawton Chiles International House, NIH Main Campus

Dr. Yolanda Liliana Mayo Ortega, General Director of the Centro Ann Sullivan del Peru in Lima will speak on Education for a Lifetime of Inclusion for Children with Disabilities: World-Class Program in Peru – Centro Ann Sullivan del Peru.

A light lunch will follow the lecture.

For information:
Agenda (PDF 94 kb)
Speaker Bio (PDF 34kb)

Contact Linda Stephens at (301) 496 3454 if you plan to attend the lecture and/or lunch.