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Developmental Disabilities Council

The mission of VTDDC is to facilitate connections and to promote supports that bring people with developmental disabilities into the heart of Vermont Communities.

About VTDDC & Members

THE VERMONT DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Council is a state-wide board that works to increase public awareness about critical issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families. In addition to state agency and nonprofit representatives, 14 of its 23 members (61%) are self-advocates and family members.

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What is a Developmental Disability?

Under federal law it is a severe, often lifelong disability that affects people before they reach age 22 and substantially limits functioning ability in three or more life activities such as self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, independent living, and employability. For full definition . . . .

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Becoming a Member

People with developmental disabilities, self-advocates and family members are appointed for three year terms by the Governor. They play a key role in letting VTDDC know what is happening for those with developmental disabilities in Vermont, and in deciding how to use its funds to have the greatest impact on people's lives.

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VTDDC State Plan 2007-2011

The new State Plan drives what VTDDC will focus on and the grants it will award over the next five years.

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Small Grant Information & Applications

VTDDC's Executive Committee Fund is available year-round to provide help to individuals and family members to attend trainings and conferences, and also awards small grants to individuals and organizations for innovative projects.

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Publications & Outreach

You can learn more about VTDDC and its work by reading its publications. Choosing Words with Dignity tells you what you need to know about People First language.

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Links to Related Resources

Click on a link for more information about resources and supports.

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Job opportunity

VTDDC seeks a creative professional to join our staff full-time as a Systems Analyst and Planner.

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What's New

Job opportunity

05/07/2009: VTDDC seeks a creative professional to join our staff full-time as a Systems Analyst and Planner.
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