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Local Government Initiative Invests in Kosovo's Youth

Hands-on training helps student leaders become more effective advocates
Hands-on training helps student leaders become more effective advocates

May 11-14, USAID/Kosovo's Local Government Initiative (LGI) Project conducted a three-day workshop to assist representatives of the youth community in advocating for successful and actionable projects to key stakeholders. Participants included students of high school councils throughout the six LGI host municipalities, as well as several other municipalities. The participants represented approximately 15,000 Kosovo high school students.

Municipal representatives participating in the training alongside the students had an opportunity to develop innovative ways of working with the youth communities throughout Kosovo. The Ministry for Sports, Culture and Youth representative expressed willingness to involve the Ministry in follow-up activities and possibly fund projects. The workshop was organized in cooperation with municipal department for education, department of culture, youth and sports and it is the first of a series of activities planned by LGI to strengthen the cooperation of youth communities with municipal institutions and to address the role of youth in Standards implementation and local economic and social development.

The next planned activity will address the issue of institutional development of youth councils. USAID/Kosovo's Local Government Initiative is implemented by RTI International.

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