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USAID, Partner Present Macedonia’s Civil Society Media Awards

A free and open society is characterized by independent and responsible media on one hand, and a vibrant and active civil society on the other. For years, USAID has been working with local media and NGOs in Macedonia to strengthen their partnership and to help them play a more prominent role in society.

On January 30th, the USAID Civil Society Strengthening Project joined the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) in presenting the winners of the 2007 Civil Society Media Awards. Television station Kanal 5 received the top overall award, with other winners including newspapers Utrinski Vesnik, Monitor and Dnevnik, and the A1 television program Rano Den. The winners were selected through a voting process among all registered NGOs, citizens’ associations and foundations. The final decision was made by a seven-member jury, comprised of prominent NGO representatives and media researchers. This is the second non-monetary annual award conducted by MIM. Last year, the top prize was awarded to A1 television station, with recognitions given to Sitel TV, Utrinski Vesnik and MRTV.

USAID Communications Director Olya Catto (right) presents the Award for Best Electronic Media Program to Mladen Cadikovski of A1
USAID Communications Director Olya Catto (right) presents the Award for Best Electronic Media Program to Mladen Cadikovski of A1
Photo Credit: Milan Strezovski, Forum

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