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Networking Grants Awarded to Seven Kosovar Organizations

Seven projects designed by Kosovar organizations to benefit the general public were awarded grants for building business opportunities, helping solve local disputes, fighting corruption and tackling other issues locally and Kosovo-wide. The grants reflect cooperation amongst NGOs, between NGOs and local government, and between NGOs and community groups.

As Dr. Ken Yamashita, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director said during a visit to Suhareka/Suvareka on January 20, 2006, "The voice of every Kosovar can be harnessed more effectively to press for better services from Kosovo's institutions through networks or coalitions of NGOs."

The current round of grants awarded a total of $100,000 to seven NGOs and their networks to produce a series of TV debates on current events in Kosovo, (Balkans Investigative Reporting Network), establish a commercial, multiethnic agricultural cooperative in Rahovec/Orahovac municipality Kosovo Development Center), initiate marketing and foreign investment promotion for commercial enterprises in Gjakova municipality (Community Business Development Center), promote the role and functions of the Municipal Court in Strpce/Shterpce in order to increase use of judicial processes to resolve civil disputes (Women's Association-VITA), establish a watchdog organization to monitor the work of eight Municipal Assemblies and their elected officials and promote increased citizen participation in municipal legislative processes (Kosovo Democratic Institute), advocate for implementation of Laws against Discrimination and Gender Equality in the municipalities of Mitrovicë/Mitrovica (north), Leposaviq/Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok (Youth Initiative Mitrovica), and establish a civil society anti-corruption coalition (Organization for Democracy, Anti-Corruption and Dignity "Cohu").

The recipients will also receive customized training and consultancy support to further strengthen their organizational capacities and long-term sustainability. The grants are awarded under the Partnership and Networking Grants, part of the USAID-supported Kosovo Civil Society Program, a three-year activity implemented by International Research & Exchanges Board in partnership with Foundation for Democratic Initiatives.

Members of the high school youth council in Suhareka/Suvareka advocate to citizens for property tax collection
Members of the high school youth council in Suhareka/Suvareka advocate to citizens for property tax collection

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