BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


NPE 2009

U.S. Suppliers Exhibiting at NPE 2009: The International Plastics Showcase

As plastics professionals, you probably know that the NPE trade show is one of the largest plastics trade shows in the world, covering the entire range of manufacturing trends, technologies and plastics innovations in the Automotive, Medical, Consumer Products, Electronics, Transportation, Packaging, and Agriculture/Construction/Lawn industries.  NPE will take place from June 22-26, 2009, in Chicago.

Roughly 75,000 plastics professionals from 120 countries will showcase their latest products and devices at Chicago’s McCormick Center. These cutting-edge companies are looking for agents, distributors, end-users and wholesalers all over the world.

We can bring you together with these American suppliers, free of charge.
We can facilitate your search for U.S. partners; if you are interested, please visit, sign up for MYSHOW PLANNER, make your selection and let us know about companies you would like to meet with at the show. We will help bring you together with those companies.

At the show, we encourage you to stop by our office and speak with our international team of Commercial Specialists who will be on hand to help you make contacts.  The U.S. Commercial Service will be located at the International Center and will be at your disposal to assist you in your research of U.S. suppliers. The International Center will provide a lounge area, Internet access, and meeting rooms free of charge on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Please take the time to contact us so we can help you make the most of your visit to the NPE Showcase.  If you are not attending the show, but wish to contact a U.S. company, we will be happy to make the initial contact and/or provide you with other information concerning plastics materials and equipment suppliers in the United States.

We look forward to meeting you at NPE 2009 in Chicago

Stéphanie Pencolé
US Commercial Service
American Embassy
2, Avenue Gabriel
75382 Paris Cedex 08
Tel: (33-1) 43 12 71 38
Fax: (33-1) 43 12 70 50
Email: Stephanie.Pencole@N0SPAM.Mail.Doc.Gov

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